Thursday, April 23, 2015

Throwing Moth Balls and Catching Fly's

Why it was just the other day, I was staring at the ground, my mind astray,
and along comes a troop of Armadillidillidae.

Now I know this may sound silly-nilly,
But Nay!'Tis 'bout those Roly Polies and Bug Boy Billy.

Who doesn't love pill bugs when young-
'Cept did you know they eat dung?

Shoot 'em like marbles, baby bug balls-
Shoot-more fun than playing with dolls!

'Cuz things that are wild and that wiggle,
Always make children wonder and giggle.

So back to Bug Boy Billy, who likes his bikes;
had a Make Believe Shop where he'd fix trikes,

(Since even the most handiest of boys,
 use special tools that are really just toys)

And just the other day, as I already said,
A line appeared on the ground, a gray thread-

But it 'twas those same very Armadillidillidae,
crawling and millipeding in their buggy way,

Itching to make a pit stop
at Billy's infamous Trike Shop.

Billy told me they were in great despair-
For they had no bikes or trikes for repair.

This was precisely their pill bug problem,
they pleaded with him to make some-quite solemn...

Lo' they had no candy or gum they could pay -
but promised some privy perks anyway.

So Billy happily went right to work-
and he did so with a slight smirk.

When asked what he was doing-he shrugged and said, "Oh you know-

I'm just lettin' these roly polies help git my imagination back rollin’."

Image By Lewis Hine, 1874-1940, photographer. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

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