Showing posts with label Bug Boy Billy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bug Boy Billy. Show all posts

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Throwing Moth Balls and Catching Fly's

Why it was just the other day, I was staring at the ground, my mind astray,
and along comes a troop of Armadillidillidae.

Now I know this may sound silly-nilly,
But Nay!'Tis 'bout those Roly Polies and Bug Boy Billy.

Who doesn't love pill bugs when young-
'Cept did you know they eat dung?

Shoot 'em like marbles, baby bug balls-
Shoot-more fun than playing with dolls!

'Cuz things that are wild and that wiggle,
Always make children wonder and giggle.

So back to Bug Boy Billy, who likes his bikes;
had a Make Believe Shop where he'd fix trikes,

(Since even the most handiest of boys,
 use special tools that are really just toys)

And just the other day, as I already said,
A line appeared on the ground, a gray thread-

But it 'twas those same very Armadillidillidae,
crawling and millipeding in their buggy way,

Itching to make a pit stop
at Billy's infamous Trike Shop.

Billy told me they were in great despair-
For they had no bikes or trikes for repair.

This was precisely their pill bug problem,
they pleaded with him to make some-quite solemn...

Lo' they had no candy or gum they could pay -
but promised some privy perks anyway.

So Billy happily went right to work-
and he did so with a slight smirk.

When asked what he was doing-he shrugged and said, "Oh you know-

I'm just lettin' these roly polies help git my imagination back rollin’."

Image By Lewis Hine, 1874-1940, photographer. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...