Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Confession of an Obsession

Since a poem is a perfect place
             in which to hide a secret
it just so happens to be the case
             that nobody's found it yet
A place in which to utter
             a covert illicit little truth
as discreet as melted butter
             not to be uncouth
but it's later than due time
              to admit to one and all
I am guilty of a crime
              I will confess without stall

I'm enrapt in a torrid love affair
some juicy details I will share
The smell I cannot resist
which may have led to this tryst
I constantly search and obsess
it is a purely pathetic weakness
that saps me dry
but I will always try
Amassing more and more
until I find what I'm looking for

This infatuated relationship
                is a one way street
while there is companionship
                we will never actually meet
I dream of cuddling in bed
                under covers where a little light
is pointing to where I just read
                 and could go on all night
Igniting my mind
                 into a frenzied passion
an addiction of this kind
                 one should try to ration

Time and devotion
with the notion
that you'll never have enough
room for more stuff
if you keep acquiring books
yet still one obsessively looks
since solutions are often found
on pages that are bound
lasciviously labeled as Fiction
which is just a categorical diction

My endless reading is a search
                     to find how much one can know
a library perhaps is my church
                      stretching one's brain to grow
but a book can also be called a spell
                      some are innocent and some evil
by the cover you cannot tell
                       the influence is one's own will
caving under printed pressure
                       but as long as you enjoy the ride
or maybe find a buried treasure
                        I will no longer try to hide

This minor flaw in my character
Just ask the narrator
Where in my own life story
Tells not for glory
But to assert aloud
that I am proud
to admit I am a bibliophile
and my 'To Read' pile
is at least a mile
it should take me a while
to read them all
so I really shouldn't fall
for another book sale

until I finish my latest epic tale.

Image By Burnett, Alexander. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons



Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Out of the Blue

When you said you were blue
I never knew
you were just sad and stuck deliberating
about all the bad and not really suffocating.

Well Krishna's skin is blue
so it might just be true
it happened from blowing into the flute
but that assumption is not that astute

That hipster Elvis chose blue for his suede shoe
a sexy single he hoped it would imbue
inciting romance and style
which he donned with a snarled sexy smile

And all poets love using blue
choosing it for anything they want to
it's a flexible, moldable rhyming color or tone
like those windstrewn, pesky violets I bemoan

A misunderstanding just blew
to shreds all you thought you knew
an erroneous translation
but a colorful mutation

(When getting married and your feet are cold
Don't forget that blue thing and something old
and something borrowed which to hold
blindly doing as superstition told)

Painting pictures with words
with the imagery and sound of blue birds
on one's shoulder, singing while in flight
poetically framed on pages once all-white

Most people claim it is their favorite
even Mother Nature decided to split
a blue for the ocean and another blue for the sky
the two largest of Natures Earthly supply

Separated by seas and philosophies
members of fractured colonies
share on their flags the color blue
at least over half of all of them do

Blue is used as a symbol in Psychologically
evoking of trust, confidence and honest authority
A plan needs a blueprint, the architect will say
Even Picasso was obsessed in his own way

Science found a way to make blue light
but now it's toxic and keeps us up at night
possibly harmful to our sight
good or bad who knows what's right?

It makes us calm and often cold
it is also found on some types of mold
Painters mix endlessly to get the proper color of night
Black and blue are the marks of a lost fight

A favorite choice for toothbrushes
your anxiety it supposedly hushes
A color mosquitoes cannot resist
despite being added to the squished list

Designated for both Smurfs and Jeans
but not even a tint of it on Navy Beans
And that Willy Wonka's Violet too
wasn't ever really the color blue

The brilliantine blue of a peacock feather
Or the blue on a butterflies wings or whether
you have blue eyes
all of these are pretty tricks, optical illusions  or lies.

(And I just cannot help but say
even my Russian Blue cat is actually grey,
but that poem was already written another day
and the name is just a name anyway)

Being blue-blooded once meant nobility
now its archaic, a symbol of frivolty
Blue can be seen only in the short wave-length
precisely and only in 470 nanometers of strength

The number of shades in English for blue
did you know totals at least sixty-two?
Not even adding Prussian Blue in the mix
of which there are as many as thirty-six .

And my deepest gratitude for getting through
this entire poem all about blue
I tried not to waste your time
with this elongated rhyme
In fact from this poem you could accrue
a lot of useless knowledge too-
at least about the color blue
so I truly, bluely, sincerely, thank you.

Image of painting via Wikimedia Commons, (Public Domain) by  Franz Marc (1880-1916) "Large Blue Horses".


Thursday, December 25, 2014

Shoulda, Woulda, and Coulda

Shoulda, Woulda and Coulda*
Shoulda, Woulda and Coulda often complain
             while riding aboard the dinghy named "Fret"
Tangled in knotted refrain and regret
             avoiding the rip current of Change, the rudder is set
"Why not? What could go wrong? What is there to fear?"
             -are not the questions the three dared ask 
Then crewmates, Maybe and Might, forecast the outcome is unclear
             when bravely charting unknown water. And advised, ‘Leave doubt   
             in your wake when what you already knew the right way.’
As a Shoulda,
              or a Coulda, undoubtedly decided against, anyway.

Doubt and Worry pacing swab the deck,
              they claim its always slippery
Advising all to watch their step!
              This soggy pair prefers to predict catastrophes
Neither of these two will ever see past their four soggy feet
              To see some parts are already dry.
              "Not to fear, we've already been here! It's just like deja-vu!"
              "Pirates prosper by fear!"
But these words were gibberishly unclear and did not adhere
               to Shoulda
                and Coulda, trying to avoid their fretted fates.

Shipwrecked again off the Sea of Regret,
                moored in the ebb of murky vacillation
The lull of consistency, and eerie calm of sunset
                 foreseeable outcomes; one man's island destination
Lo’ on the horizon-a glimmer of light, a sparkling sight
                  a beacon, a bright idea, that maybe, might just be
                  up ahead, not so far, where the future is blinding bright,
                  past the buried benthic and what they Coulda not see, turbidity
                  and Shoulda done with what they Woulda had,  passed the possibility...

Shoulda and Woulda just missed a chance-
                  Coulda did nothing but complain
"What good is trying anyway-the path ahead is just happenstance"
                  So these three, bravery thieves, confidence takers,
                  deal breakers,
                  adventurous fakers,
                  remorse makers,
Coulda not comprehend, nor
Woulda they try to even extend
                   a helping hand to assist another
                   while occupied in their druthers,
and Shoulda patched the holes or learn how to swim.

*This poem was inspired by Eugene Field's poem "Wynken, Blynken and Nod". 
*Image of painting (oil) by Maxfield Parrish, 1902, "Wyken, Blynken and Nod"; [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Forged and tempered
condensed under fire
morphed and reduced
pressurized and pupled
sardonic sap ooze
intense with vision-
nary-a mans' hands
mother of molten invention
Building with erect
magnetisms strings
Come and Conquer
with rigid out lines
straight and arrow
piercing certitude
fall in line
blurred beings and things
blending tornadoes
structural heaps
painted windows
look the same
archaic beasts churning
chugging with spent desire
laced with sepia tones
antiquely reminiscent
of times gone by
stories trapped in parallel tracks
stopping at no stations
for souls places
thrown from its determined path
screaming shrieks of fire
boasting in blasts
barrelling nowhere
and everywhere in between
mocking anthropology
and days that shall pass
in concrete jungles
the lions share
essentially barren
scrapped to metal
ore never to remain
one and the same.

Image By Hieronymus Reusner; Franciscus Epimetheus (Chemical Heritage Foundation) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Pandora (1582) 

Monday, December 22, 2014

Deed of Trust

We need tangible evidence
I was Here
Yours and Mine, between a fence
divides-or so it would appear

An apparition of ownership
Show me proof
stamped passports on lifes' trip
permanent shelters roof
squatters in refrain
draping the blind
boxing up pain
folios filed for someone to find

Piled and stacked in the archives
condensed for space-
How many lives
leave just this inky trace?

Illegible orders of Legality
Protecting acts of Perjury
Insuring civilized Morality
(forestalling fatuous worry)
Stained and signed as true
leashed in language, in black or blue

Your Name on the blotted line
as it says right here
(acquired this year)
that's Yours and this is Mine

A house, a car, husband or a wife
credit cards of the indebted life
my interest low, with rates on high
numerically figured dollars with time flies by

Save your wealth
Plan for the future, Learn from the Past
Protect your health, 
a stone is cast...

The stories are the same
Hansel and Gretel of the fairytale
if You and I were instead the name
leaving our moneyed paper trail

These precious paper treasures
acquired or borrowed
temporal needs, passing pleasures
carbon copied or dittoed
verified and proven, seeking restitution
as Possessor of said Property
indebted stay of execution
bartered pages of equality

scrolls through antiquity
long labours of lost legacy
smudges and smears
seen through ink blurred tears

Ancestry evoking ancient history
made from fibers of the family tree
linking lineage
from cleared forests
kinfolk of foliage
cherry picking the best, tossing the rest

Breaking the bow
swinging push and pull
I live Here now
Now void and null

But against me someone makes a claim
(with the wrong name)
This is what you owe!
(Please) Pay the balance before you go...

Image courtesy of Wikimedia, (Public Domain) By Orange County, NC (County Courthouse) 'February 13th, 1804 Marriage certificate'

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Fruit Cake

A phenomenon
or so they said
What does that even mean
but surreal
hyper cognizant
carefree and currently
on the Pineapple Express
a subarctic flow
riding a-board
flimsy-flappy metal wings
waving to resistance
strapped in between
that I dutifully volunteer
taking the bumpy path
turbulence cloaked with care
we will get there
jumps jacks and jerks
brace and buckle up
terrential terrestrial
walking on water
a prevention of petulance
generational circumstance
companions of Will and Able
who facilitate the festivities
with Candy Canes and Christmas Cheer
recycling the seasonal year
a salvation per annum
the shedding of a starry tear
of remembrance
lightening striken resemblance
a resurgence
witnessing the same anew
in glorious saturated pools
reaching shores of home
on board ships of self
who face
into the wind
cut with embrace
on a haphazardly hemispherical
with fruit cakes
served best
in the Pineapple Express
Remember who you are
when you're no longer the old you
looking back-steadfast
miles between the tips and the roots
reaching tall, trying not to fall
whining against the wind of weary
who pushes too far
and gets carried away
in the Pineapple Express.

This image is of a Norway Spruce branch with three developing 'Pineapple Galls' caused by an aphid. Provided via Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain) by Rosser 1954.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Who are the meek
Who only see the bleak
Whom we are told
as they shrink old
shall be heirs to the Earth
but do not know its worth
Whose silence is golden
with footprints heavy and beholden
waver their doubts
while their inner voice shouts
snickers and sneers
when gathered amongst peers
self-doubt casts out
the need to belong
Whom are all wrong
Who are posed in preposition
hanging in there by a thread
breathing in the toxic air of dread
hearing the loudest voice
falling for the fallacies
Who makes the choice
to glance in the mirror
projecting prisms of fear
Who do not see the good
Who have misunderstood
the value of life and self-worth
were gifts given to us at birth
which grows interest
in those whom feel most blest
doubt is a dump
a fetid hump
an intrusive and destructive
conniving ally-bearer
of the blinding white lie
twisted tongues tell tales
but the proud prevails
Whose sacred truths
are not spent on the youths
Who hide among the flock
afraid to step aside and walk
to the beat of ones own drum
waiting for confidence to come
Who is just a heartbeat away
unafraid to speak up and say
I wouldn't want me any other way.

Photo (Public Domain) By Vinc3PaulS (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Friday, December 5, 2014

It's a cryin' rain...

We had a gentle storm
(not quite the norm),
It was only visiting, meaning no harm,
not intending to cause alarm.
She softly blew in-
without making a din.

Tip toeing in, tapping outside
whispering wind unable to hide
Blessings for the desert parch,
weather comes in a March,
lining up for a show
as Natures spigot sets the flow.

Today, as we can unclearly see
just kissing full droplets, delicately.
She's in no hurry-
too warm to flurry,
in this tropical geography,
of maternal meteorology.

Silently saturating,
drip irrigating, saving,
seasonal wrath,
for a different path.
Anger saved for another place
as we accept her gentle mist in trace.

Rolling down cheeks,
pointing out leaks,
dripping from the eaves,
quieting the leaves.
Sparkles glittering on the grass

prisms of tears reflecting en masse.

Composed 12/5/14.

Image of painting by Robert Henri [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. "Misty Paris" 1890.

If I was there (as pictured)

can see
The Forest
                                                                                                                        Over there-
Hills bent like knees, folded and prickled with trees, textured tones of green shadowed by their own darkness unseen. Lush in mossy folds of exploding ripe oxygen with spores sparking their sperm of wild plumage fans its layered feathers blurred in flight, this sight you can see-
          fawn and stag trample broken arms under hoof…a trail, a scent, a nymph of notion. (Not I)
                                                                                    Smoke of an obscured roof floats billowing
a periwinkle blanket of Big open skies under Venus’ belt, who tucks in the sprawling landscape-or tries. Soaring in sacred circles on the crown of canopy raptors released, flying cage free.
Blurs of sweeping leaves, fingertips brushing the panoramic pastels, strokes of infinite-wait-
That sound-                                                                                                 Did you hear?
Just a raccoon, bat, owl, opossum, puma or deer…falling down-playing dead, maybe.
Things echo in cathedrals.
Sounds are carried, strung together in symbols, the pin drops but the sewers eyes are sewn shut.
Fears flourishing outlined with dread.

Can you see? Inside, where the trees hide and words disappear-I cannot see, I was not here.

Image by Anna Ramsburg, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service via Wikimedia Commons, (public domain).

The Mourning of Day

Morning all day
furrowed in grey
Under the weather,
scents of wet leather,
                      splashing in puddles getting the mail.
Slapping drops smack-
in an aerial attack
stinging flesh of face
in which We are Out of place
                        amidst hurling whetted hail.
Sullen skies abide,
concrete curtains hide
the radiant sun,
sharing warmth with none-
                         displaced by mist and gale.
Trumpets pipe passing by
panes, whistling on windows, leaves fly-
blurred in the forgotten hour,
fixed and framed in a seasonal shower,

                          setting the stage for a winters' tale.

Image photo by Terry Korte via Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain), 2006

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...