Sunday, June 19, 2016

Morning brew

The curtains tickle cool and
I get the impression crisply,
while I can, spots all separate,
the symphony tunes each section,
from deep purple set on dusty rose
to ashen greys settled on lazy lilac
unfolding the old periwinkle sheet
low-lit and pink pill speckled
as though white was never needed
in dawn's steeping sky
tweaking the tune of day
in the background.

Painting By Unknown artist – Artist [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


Only artists know
the sky is never painted
wrong, everything goes.

Painting Sky StudyBy Unknown artist – Artist [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

All (of us) men

All men equally;
She is just a he
that is many more than one.

Painting by By Gretchen Woodman Rogers, 1915 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Damsel in distress

When the guards eventually abandoned their posts
this is when, creeping out of overflow,
the words gush forth in a rip current-
coalescing in magnetic links-
weaving white sheets with
brown knots, by her dirty hands;
the escape plan finally hatches
and she knew she would now
let it all out.
Deliberated and free
to mouth the lyrics
all wrong.
She sings them
hums them along
in sweet harmony with self,
knowing all the words
had been mis-taken.

Image of painting by Evelyn De Morgan, Hope in a Prison of Despair (1887) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Cool as a coloquillialism

Art is no job
do what you love
and the rest will lead you astray
To Art is human
Thou Art That
I think

I project
and put out there
the Golden Rule
and a silver bullet ricochets
silence is gilt

words will never hurt
but sorry makes the hurt
go away, they say

don't look back
at the distance that enchants
your view

where dreams come true
when dreams do become
better than you imagined

save for your future, spend wisely
save your wisdom for a rainy day
spend your future, it expires today
experience is the mother of wisdom
wisdom is the child of possibility

Don't be penny wise and pound foolish
count your chickens at the table
a pound of pennies
are thoughts all the same

and endings must come,
good or bad are just
for you and me
soon to be
ancient art-

Painting by Giovanni Boldini [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


Society needs
pleasure and fear to feed its
lonely appetite.

Photo By Jh12 (Own work) [Public domain], taken at Aquarium of the Americas in 2007 via Wikimedia Commons.


smiles remind us
we are not the only ones

Image National Undersearch Research Program (NURP) Collection Location: Temperate-Tropical Atlantic & Pacific Ocean Photographer: M. Herko Credit: OAR/National Undersea Research Program (NURP).

Tres (trace)

Water Today, warm raindrops glass blurs, the blurry glassy, sharp sparkles sugar. Behind Evening, it was good. Leaves all turned into shadow...