Monday, July 7, 2014

Breathe of Reflection

Image credit: Unsplash by Robin Benad

I once could breathe
wholly and deeply-
because I was outside
looking in...

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Mortal Moments and Morality

"The Seven Deadly Sins" by Pieter Brueghel
Image By Toho at de.wikipedia (Transferred from de.wikipedia) [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons

Simple moments and kisses
are for stealing

spongy crabby grass, squeaky pool rafts
are for lying

one can cheat at the race of time
by living in the moment

Philosophic inquiry and idle curiosity
never hurt a fly

Logic and Geometry, trapped sticky strings of thought
The Machiavellian webs we weave

Creeps and Opportunist may pray upon the weak
Lay in wait with incorruptible malice

Sin without Pleasure
Pain with no Gain

Acts of immorality
Feats of mortality

sealing ones fate
in the Karmic Realm
of possibilities
where Paradise was lost
but Humanity found

Heavenly bodies
Angels in action
Ghostly haunts
Demonic desire

lines in the sand
glass between toes
shards of time
a trace of what matters

Singeing flesh
blinding light
gut instinct
a Sixth sense

Acrid salty mists
Infiltrating and asphyxiating  

at the end of land and rope
twisted stronger by fate
at the tip of the iceberg
on the verge of reason

Choose to live
Resign in death

paralyzed in fear
suffocating in security

To dare, to taunt
To tempt and tease

Inventing not Alibis
nor concocting Lies;
Fracturing the Tenet
while embracing
in You-

Feeling still-

virtuously Alive.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Bonsai Sequoia

'Foghorn Leghorn' approximately 10 years old, 2 feet tall

A proud hopeful twig,
A mighty little sprig,
reaches, stretches, grasping for sky-light,
drinking the coastal fog and dew from overnight.

Wise wee wooded sapling,
on your branches birds will sing,
and you will carry their tune,
on timber and echoes-yet not so soon.

Longevity like oozes sap, as the blood in ones vein;
through aortic roots, a statuesque feign-
except for the unmistakable air,
climbing higher than one could dare.

Rings notching decades like days,
breathless moments and canopy sways,
fall like whispers, awe around your burly base,
bursting to the Heavens, you continue to race.

Already you have your bark
eager and preparing to make your mark.
You have been called “Giants among Men
forests and wilderness from way back when…

Thousands of years, all that you've seen,
optimistically each year peeling virgin green.
A giant sequoia, a prehistoric tree,
Sempre virens, stoically notching eternity.

One day little tree, you will go in the ground,
in a place I’ll make sure is safe and sound.
But for now-
I wish I could say how,
I want you to get really BIG-
and show you are no longer a twig!

I do love watching you grow, forgetting how slow;
and despite the fact that I will never really know,
get to breathe your nectar air-or live to see,

just how big you'll really be.
Photo By Ngresonance at en.wikipedia [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Filling the Quota

Photograph She Lifted Up Her Wings by Michael Kinchloe on 500px
She Lifted Up Her Wings by Michael Kinchloe on 500px

“Every day one should at least hear one little song, read one good poem, see one fine painting and -- if at all possible -- speak a few sensible words.” 
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Friday, June 13, 2014

Sol Amour

Image By Svendsgaard Kurt, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Sol Amour

To see the sun rise
is to be whispered a vast secret
To feel the radiant heat
prickle your skin
To witness a dawn
is to know what love feels like
The light and energy building
being in love
walking on air
on a vibrant sunny day
Long afternoons
that stretch beyond the horizon
last like lingering kisses
sweet savory notes of birds singing
inaudible but buoyant butterflies dance
in shadows cast for two
in that commodious vacant space
dynamic dark of self
progressively moving away
unstoppable orbit
steals the day
and fades
in a lovely way
leaving just traces the glow
embers which keep and know
of that now rusty glow
golden moments of time
fleeting past
turning to cold and blue
shoulders chill
waning like our solemn moon
in a magically unfamiliar
lingering evening way
eventually accepting
the simple phase
of love
and position of the sun.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Changing of the guard

Image by Francis Barlow [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons-"Wolf in Sheep's Clothing"
In the mid of night
the house breathed.
Thick with rattled windows-
anxiety like shadows,
stale rooms heavy, dense-
                                    and then it began.

Rolling down the street,
wolves roam in the ally
the howling chorus rises,
under sheepskin blankets.
Rapping on walls,
                                    whispering through the cracks.

Rattling cages,
trembling fingers
on passive leaves.
Branches snap-
the final straw drawn, is it over,
                                   the weak have fallen.

Calculating the after-math,
identify the drifter in the dark,
a faceless fictive fright,
who mocks the meticulous gardener,
who taunts and terrifies the innocent children, 

                                    who are anxiously counting sheep.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Do you?

Do You?

A loaded question
Ready, aim, fire
Do you
the way I feel
narrow and naked
Sometimes I know
the answer
Do you
the spark, a jolt, twinge of pang
flammable sin
I do not ask
Do you
the silent ballet of words
orchestrating a mood
leading, building, painting the scene
Do you
an accidental lingering touch
Do you
I know
without ever asking
and still, like an echo
I wonder if
you do?

Image By Meyer, Johann Georg, 1813-1886 (artist); L. Prang & Co. (publisher) (Flickr: The Love Token) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


Blessed are thee memories chosen to be forgotten dissolved into distant haze. Cherished are those brilliant first rays alighting the new pat...