Image By Svendsgaard Kurt, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Sol Amour
To see the sun rise
is to be whispered a vast secret
To feel the radiant heat
prickle your skin
To witness a dawn
is to know what love feels like
The light and energy building
being in love
walking on air
on a vibrant sunny day
Long afternoons
that stretch beyond the horizon
last like lingering kisses
sweet savory notes of birds singing
inaudible but buoyant butterflies dance
in shadows cast for two
in that commodious vacant space
dynamic dark of self
progressively moving away
unstoppable orbit
steals the day
and fades
in a lovely way
leaving just traces the glow
embers which keep and know
of that now rusty glow
golden moments of time
fleeting past
turning to cold and blue
shoulders chill
waning like our solemn moon
in a magically unfamiliar
lingering evening way
eventually accepting
the simple phase
of love
and position of the sun.