Showing posts with label Eyeless in Gaza excerpt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eyeless in Gaza excerpt. Show all posts

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Eyeless in Gaza PII: The Peaces of the Pi per Aldous Huxley

The following is a passage cited from the novel "Eyeless in Gaza", by Aldous Huxley (p.471,72) which I have also (see PI) converted into a poem for its natural prosaic eloquence on immaterial matters such as attempting to describe "peace".

United in peace.
In peace,
he repeated,
in peace, in Peace.
In the depth of every mind,
The same space for all,
continuous between
mind and mind
At the surface,
the separate waves,
the whirlpools, the spray;
but below them
the continuous and undifferentiated expanse of the sea,
becoming calmer
as it
till at last there is an absolute stillness...

Dark peace
in the depths.

A dark peace
that is the same for all who can

Peace, that by a strange paradox
is the substance and source of the storm at the surface.

Born of peace,
the waves yet destroy peace; destroy it,
but are necessary;
for without the storm
on the surface
there would be no existence,
no knowledge of goodness,
no effort to allay the leaping frenzy of evil,
no rediscovery of the underlying calm,
no realization that
the substance of the frenzy,
is the same as
the substance of Peace.
Frenzy of evil and separation.
In Peace there is Unity.
Unity with other lives.
Unity with all Being.

Freedom from Truth.
The truth of unity.

Peace in the profound subaqueous night,
Peace in this silence,
this still emptiness
where there is no more time,
where there are no more images,
no more words...

Image of painting by Marcus Larson (1825-1864) "Stormy Sea" (1857) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Eyeless in Gaza PI: The Theoretical Unity of Aldous Huxley

"8th Root of Unity"
Image By MarekSchmidt (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The following is a passage cited from the novel "Eyeless in Gaza", by Aldous Huxley (p.467,68) which I have converted into a poem for its elegance in deciphering the properties, proportions, perspective(s) on the concept of Unity (as a whole/hole). 

The unity of life.
Unity demonstrated even in the destruction of one life by another.
Life and all being are one.
No living thing could derive sustenance
from another 
Or from the unliving substances 
around it.
(even in destruction),
(in spite of separation).

Each organism is unique.
Unique and yet
with all other organisms
in the sameness of its ultimate parts;
Unique above
a substratum of mental identity.
Identity and Interchangeableness
of Love, Trust, Courage.

Fearless affection 
restores the lunatic to sanity,
transforms the hostile savage into a friend,
tames the wild animal.

The mental pattern of Love 
can be transferred from one mind to another
and still
retain its virtue...
And not only Love,
but Hate as well:
not only Trust, but suspicion;
not only kindness, generosity and Courage,
but also
malevolence and greed and fear.

Reality of unity,
but equal reality of division-
greater reality, indeed,
of division.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...