Showing posts with label souls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label souls. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Tender are the soles

The body whines inaudibly
running organs with life's
friction or electrically charged
circles, as if one organism
could be fulfilled.

Cash can be exchanged for dignity,
pennies and thoughts are donated
in parking lots and churches
liberally, naked feet are sensitive
where there are rocks worn down
to pebbles by caloussed souls
heaving their weight in grains
of sand.

A mile more
to go
with these legs, feebled and folded
they foretell the weight of what we carry,
with the shoulders pinned to the sky
the strings held us up, dancing and frayed,
until the puppeteer, robotics engineer, and fear
take over,

it was all for the show,
since there was nothing the human could tell
about soles moving on
light as can be
like water
we cannot breathe.

Painting by Ford Madox Brown [Public domain], 'Jesus washing Peter's feet' c. 1852-56 via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Incantation of Sprung

The ringing had to have been
the resistance of air in being dissected
with a rugged swung scythe.

A crude way to make matters worse.

Should we speak up
so breath can chime in and tune on its own
accord to T for truths, sinews,
or sing along so we know

where we were going
when it is over?

Souls dissipate most visibly
when the sun is a mere
ten degrees above the arc at the end of All

and they blush as they come
into vulgar exposure.

The vertiginous extension of body
feels its mineral composition,
just as the mountain has long since
gathered here and crumbled there
under the broom of wind and whistling.

The wait is the same atomic gravitas
so we make music on its shoulders,
conjuring notes we hope will
raining colors in a natural spring

Forward marching over the detritus
of the Others
calcified fragments, ground in silt and 
carried by such quick sand.

To hear and to be heard over the years
something so sharply.

Watercolor by Karl Bodmer (1836) Assinboin in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Half-dozen Mud cakes

Back to wood decks, quarter-size spiders, webs, moss  and creatures stirring in the hollow nights Back to no side-walks and skirting into th...