Showing posts with label Einstein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Einstein. Show all posts

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Enigmatic Einstein

After theoretically 'successfully' wrapping my head around
some semblance of cohesive understanding of relativity,
the Einstein kind, not just for arguments sake,
the soul relationship between mind over matter,
starts with a succession of power.

Taking all we can from one man, utility wise,
ah, needless to say, does it work?
Coming upon its inertial state, approachable this way,
it was easy to trip over that paradox that must have fallen
right off the shelf, under discovery of the missing item.

Newton would know what we should try.

Perhaps there are too many of these to count
individually. All bits and bites stored within the 
conceptually hard drive.

It was our fault for putting the poison away.

It has become so cluttered in boxes marked Unsolved History
it is now sagging our spacetime beds,
instead, this white head called it the ‘spooky thing’, so we move
away from being scared of what we cannot see.

What ever happened to Alice and Bob and their rocket trip?
Should they care they are always being observed
or the considered the being the observing party, as in-
aide, a party to the equation, without favors.

The measured sentence finds balance, busy, busy, busy
wWe real it all in and call it conservation work.
that was then.

Now we know rain can occur in reverse,
it has been shocking us
ever since
then we found spin has no velocity or zip code.

It is by close relation nomadic and
conceptually centrifugal without further observation
of just the box.

The ghost in the grey long-sleeved sweatshirt
with his ordinary pen which clamps onto the collar
by some sort of hook on the tip, 
the hugs the edge. to make it secure,
or so he thought.

And I better understanding why I dreamt that Einstein,
the apparition, a face of dreams,a symbol himself, 
reached around his neck,
grasping at air, pounding his chest for
what was suddenly not there
and had trouble
finding the words 
to mean what he said.

Some dreams are puzzling-
this is why there should always be a pen
with in relative reach.

Image credit by Ferdinand Schmutzer, Einstein in Vienna (1921) in [Public domain, Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Pivot point: 11/1919

Eclipsing theories it occurred Earthly,
by a twinkling of doubt-
might light penetrate that too?
Witnessed few-by degrees
scales of truth, by fractions-
a test, a hypothesis to rest
a wish we may, a wish we might
see if Einstein was right that daynight.

Bending starlight towards the artists eyes
the heavy lenses have been adjusted.
Ephemeral epiphanies, yes these
have energy, fields that carry
to open spaces, finds minds,
where dark-grey-is shady mass
is recognized in its likeness, eye to eye
in poetry. Compression.
Encompasses only Here
the ever widening, infinitely expanding
dynamic astrological points
of view, growing still
under the weak weight
of the world by volume,
softened by moving the arc light
finding its center.

Image credit By NASA on The Commons (Apollo 12 view of Solar Eclipse) [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons. 

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...