Showing posts with label tube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tube. Show all posts

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Stacking boxes

We seem to be on the right track.
Some words contains things.

We are confident that the black box
contains all the answers or the y’s-anyway
we need to know

Don't be chicken, unscramble the egg 
before the givens and ganders include
more than two lame ducks and an ugly goose.

Sharp edges, right angles, cubism
is no plaything
for block stacking children.

This black box we found is the thing
to eye-so-late
and define –objectively-we made enclosures
and watched the walls hit home.

The black box must have its corners
where all information clusters 
in tapering space...

The black hole, faucet or vacuum tube
where All
information is contained past and future
flow freely-
both true and not chosen
come together 
only to matter.

Blending by chance, choice, or
opportunity, effect, and someone said
Noise not blur...

Now, this is all there ever was,
Now, with reduced facts, take
atoms, quarks into questionable chunks
of say 100 neurons or 3 seconds-

A moment may be lost-watching-looking
For it. You are it. You cannot feel yourself spin?

I read a note for you
Inside the black box
It says where it is from-
                              there is no gift receipt. 

Painting by Adolph Tidemand [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...