Showing posts with label consumerism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label consumerism. Show all posts

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Off the shelf

The panic button was pushed.

A paranoia pandemic 
encircled the globe
like storms on Jupiter,
ominous and ionically charged
propigating and intending
malice and malaise.

Under the thumb of gravity, 
our species 
sees a-head
and worries-
Empty shelves and
idle ATM's
had nothing
to offer 

The bottom line
supply and demand 
Tottered instead of teetered.
Consumerism consumed
thoughts, dictators dodged
questions and regurgitated 
gossip. Useless garbage in, 
makes for rich compost out.

At least, 
It smells that way. 

Some of the mess we have made
cannot be broken down
in a lifetime.

And what was 
was defined as-conveniently
placed within arms reach 
and whose sole purpose
goes down the drain
after use.
We all became less
flushed with the shameful
and frequent
ease of letting go. 

Adaptations aren't always
fine tuning, streamlining or
ameliorative animations.

Out of mind, out of sight, they assumed,
they were the last ones.

There was no TP, 
the people forgot the times
being told-crap-
What to do 
When empty store shelves meant
No more-

I too, fell hard.
Off the shelf, lastly,
I had been teetering at the 
Tip-top too long,
Dust settled
On my broad shoulders
everyone was afraid
to Touch-

Until this one time 
and occasion called for a round, 
ceremonious and rite
whereby church and state agree
the sheeple will never see
a way with out.

There is no more TP
But a surplus of crap.
There is too much TV
and not enough to
idle hands.

After all,
happily and 
some one, 
like me, be-
comes mysteriously 
and off the market 
for good-
ness sake,

Mass hysteria
May Be
chronic infections of fear
closer to the heart 
of survival and dependence
as if equal to or greater than
quantity signified security.

Image dated 25 September 1968
Taken in Brazil
Description: Manifestação estudantil contra a Ditadura Militar

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Window Shopping

Down the narrow store aisle
shelves bulging with merchandise
resembling a hoarders hallway
but here, things are brightly lit

my fingers move lightly across the tops
of changing objects
like piano keys.

Pausing a moment,
felt like holding a note
I stalled in the lane and was
nudged from behind,
my bag shrugged off my shoulder
snapping me
out of kaleidoscope vision-

I craned my neck
backward to acknowledge
someone-apologize-but-no one was
in the aisle with me.

I continued along, slightly unsettled,
when I was then most certainly pushed
by another consumer of wares
in another aisle
on the other side
of the store
of my body.
I did not bother to look,
nobody was there.
It was easy enough to ignore.

He had been waiting in the car.
He found me,
he wore an misfit smile.

He touched me for the first time in
five years,
down my spine
reaching all the way
into the realm of dreams

Quickly and deeply
under flourescent lights,
he told me how he fell
in love
and wanted to tell me
what he saw, then, recently,
but I wouldn't understand
nor could I heft its weight.

Cradling a rectangle mirror in his palm
the images he saw
expanded and contracted
at will-with a pinch and pull,
until it all grew too large
and thin and had to shatter
into shards across his feet.

His grip had been too tight.

Through a screen,
it was a dream
I see, I said
like privacy glass.

Nothing was hidden here
or there,
it was simply harder to find.
If only the advertisements
were to scale,
the distance could be measured
between desire and death
marked down
with a red tag.

Marriage is easier to get into than out of.
It is easier to get stuff than give it away.

There is nothing new
nothing I want to buy,
I said at his head facing
his phone-without looking up,
he offered,
You can order anything you like online.

I stood in line with a metal box of pranks
in hand,
You found something, he finally observed
the waiting.
Who is that for?
Me. I'm the only one I know who falls for
these things-
even when I know how they work.
I'll buy it, he said.

Image credited by New York Public Library, no date, no source info given. In Public Domain. 

Half-dozen Mud cakes

Back to wood decks, quarter-size spiders, webs, moss  and creatures stirring in the hollow nights Back to no side-walks and skirting into th...