There's this thing I'd like to show you
-but I found
I am incapable
without poetry...
Which is exactly where I first discovered this guarded secret,
symbolical sound all around
I assume the answer is Yes
-but from so far away I can only guess…
See first, we must see
Science and Art so often stand so far apart.
At opposing ends of each spectrum,
without blending a hue, without refracting a filtered thought,
contrasting, considering, what may or may not be-
but knew with certainty,
both Science and Art were connected by the arms of Man.
both Science and Art were connected by the arms of Man.
And for just a spot, a moment right here in between
agree to see congruently,
agree to see congruently,
both Art and Science know
the Beauty of a rainbow.
You see, Science will easily explain how tears are not
the same as rain,
but only Art can undoubtedly prove
a compelling hypothesis for the Sun to move
from day to night, casting various shades of light
glowing proudly in-between-
questioning, magnanimously, spreading is possible rays
for everlasting days…
Now if you just look through here-
and squint your mind’s eye without flinching or fear,
See-Science cannot make Art,
in symmetrical chaos
by simply building and implementing its material parts
of mirrors and prisms-
directing the light, the rainmakers plight, the triple refraction effect
reflected back in the miraculous infinite true blue skies.
Aha! Now I can see it clearly in your eyes.
A lens through crystal tears, prismatic rain,
light making rainbows,
gathering its energy scientifically
perfecting the Art of rain.
Image By Madhubala Naicker (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, 'Rainbow over Boulder, (CO)'.