Showing posts with label Science vs. Art poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science vs. Art poem. Show all posts

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Rainmaker's Prism

There's this thing I'd like to show you
                  -but I found
                                 I am incapable
                                                        without poetry...
Which is exactly where I first discovered this guarded secret,
                                                        symbolical sound all around
I assume the answer is Yes
                                                       -but from so far away I can only guess…
See first, we must see
Science and Art so often             stand        so         far          apart.
At opposing ends of each spectrum,
without blending a hue, without refracting a filtered thought,
                                                       contrasting, considering, what may or may not be-
but knew with certainty,
both Science and Art were connected by the arms of Man.
                                  And for just a spot, a moment right here in between
agree to see congruently,
both Art and Science know
the Beauty of a rainbow.
                                  You see, Science will easily explain how tears are not
                                                                                       the same as rain,
but only Art can undoubtedly prove
                                                        a compelling hypothesis for the Sun to move
from day to night, casting various shades of light
                                                        glowing proudly in-between-
questioning, magnanimously, spreading is possible rays
                                                         for everlasting days…
Now if you just look through here-
and squint your mind’s eye without flinching or fear,
See-Science cannot make Art,
                                                         in symmetrical chaos
by simply building and implementing its material parts
                                                           of mirrors and prisms-
directing the light, the rainmakers plight, the triple refraction effect
reflected back in the miraculous infinite true blue skies.
                                                          Aha! Now I can see it clearly in your eyes.
A lens through crystal tears, prismatic rain,
light making rainbows,
gathering its energy scientifically
perfecting the Art of rain.

Image By Madhubala Naicker (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, 'Rainbow over Boulder, (CO)'.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...