Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The page of gathering places

Chin jutted level with the horizon line,
arms clasped around thin elbows which palms
cradle against the abdomen, the body becomes
a sensual veil, loosens its threads, the carpet of moss
appreciates the spaces across smooth rocks such as

And I hear her voluptuous sigh
giving weight to attraction,
attention and focus upon
the tiniest moon
as though the stars were an entourage
of criticism-

She begins again, stainless in the mud,
I inquire as to what is bothering her,
what matters more than
rocks and trees-

She beheld a single sheet of white paper
which explained her glow,
scratch that she noted and tore
it into thin strips
but would not say another word edgewise.

I knew I would piece it all back together
when she smiled, opened her shoulders,
spread her wings and sang
like a mocking-bird.

There were too many notes, index cards
and pages coming back, 
returned to sender and un-

Yet we agreed
on something so stark
standing on different patches
of land and future, undoubtedly
paper was better than plastic.

Painting by Poul Friis Nybo (1869-1929), 'Reading Woman' c. 1929 in Public Domain. 

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