Saturday, May 18, 2019


Vengeance makes a map
old wives tails and medicine
man show now how X
crosses paths never worn away.

Image Title "After the battle Company G 32nd United States Infantry' c. 1898 in [Public domain].

Spring palette

Some nights such as these
in Spring
the crispest ones forebode
dramatic scenes and
will only be appeased
with warm words, the genteel kind
unlike those dark corridors linking
hollow rooms to alternate realities
and how easily
we may be misplaced inside,
one sees clearly-
Poetry possessed the palace,
the chorus charmed themselves
considering changes
are made in continuity,
harmonium found itself
outside sound and dancing
in full color in the deepest

Painting by Henri Le Sidaner, 'Small table in evening dusk' c. 1921 [Public domain].

Prince of charms

I see him clearly behind the wall
furtively tending to the ritual
of opening wounds
while he wields his favorite knife
which resembles a bottle of Tequila
and he stabs himself
with audible barbs-
the kind that go in and you cannot
pull them out
you must pull them through.

And when I forced a look at him,
I saw the glimmering round shield,
blood spattered red cheeks,
his brow beaded with sweat from lifting
the load so long, carrying it wrong,
he ached, he moved in pain.

And the artillery unleashed
with words flying like arrows
and feelings popping like brittle
burning wood while smoke
circled his buried head
and instead of his precious blade,
he pulled out a small smile-
in his shining armor,
while looking away from the glare
he managed to mumble-
you know I love you. 

I was never sure
who he was aiming at.

Image credited by UVM Libraries Digital Initiative 'Sword_sharpener_practicing_his_trade', published asa postcard c. 1909 in Public Domain. 

Settle in

Gathered all
I could manage
to ex-press-
an in-audible
that left the bereft-
ness expended
under foot.

as I never was.
I am only
as can be
good enough
to reach.

Not a word would match
the fiery-ness,
not a wet thought lying
around to ignite
the waxed wick
convinced in ambiance.

Shivered at the losses
when the blood concentrates
on the speed it needs
to lose groud, to blur
the lines.

It was always time
and matter to dwindle the days
back into a neat stack.
my toes curl
atop a thin sole
inside the shoes I have outgrown
I am misshapen.

One day
I will feel
the temperature of the earth
and find it
just right
where I happen to Be.

Painting by Lucien Pissarro, c. 1900 in [Public domain].

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Respiration; Exhale

Late afternoon, predusk
Crystal beads balance in between blades 
And I wonder how the dew does
Survive the day, 
Like me.

All the change and energy


Exhaled more than I took in.

Eyelids spread wide
I steal the last flakes of golden sun
And hold my breath
Because it's all I know I can do
and besides 
my heart is simply too heavy
To lift this evening.

Painting by Henri-Edmond Cross, 'The farm, evening' c. 1893 [Public domain].

Friday, May 3, 2019

Respiration; Inhale

He said we are doing it wrong.
None of us take in enough.
As if this regulation
Was anything more than an expression of self-
The Universe must be
Breathing us in instead of the other way around.
As if all were not made
in exchange
for what was needed most.
As if any-one was not worthy
of inhale.
I follow sounds with reasons.
It was said
We should only speak in exhale,
which blows treble
Over the top of a quiet rustle
A cacophony
Baseless breathing refused to unlatch
The belly of burden, to remember
To breathe.

Painting by Thomas Cole, 'View of the Round Top in the Catskill Mountains' c. 1827 [Public domain].

Buried alive

My heart thumps
apeish pounding
and I try to keep my fangs
tucked in.
Wired and winded
together, denial was the
black matter
we refused to identify.
Barbaric as it Be,
pacing ourselves
in our cages, deepening the ruts,
muddy we get
unable to climb out
of our graves.

Painting by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, 'Mountain Forest Path' c. 1919 [Public domain].


Archer is a good name for a poet.
Only someone intent on honing their craft
could sharpen any word,
with pro-
found in-difference that whispers
copper pennies of investment.

Whistling in the air,
important and pointed,
as it whirs across a perfect arc
the branches dance back
strobing light through

There was infinite,
what did it all mean?
There were names of things,
there was the aim of
and there was connection
with the target of meaning
Eros, all was Love.

 Archer is a pseudonym
for Anonymous, as far as arrows go.

Photograph taken by Julia Margaret Cameron of Lionel Tennyson with bow and arrow [Public domain].

Monkey bars

Vacillation in the non-
of getting out of your
own damn head-skull,
not all oohs and aahs.

Fidgets and itches, twitches
pangs signal the need to flee
for your Life

But trapped-
as we are
the wall closing doors
pushing on the pain-
body, as a name does

to rectify, identify,
but objectifies, justifies,
the lies and immersion
in madness, a persistence

won't let go, cannot make
either one
unknow the chosen

Painting by Evelyn De Morgan, 'The Gilded Cage' c. 1919 [Public domain].

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...