Monday, August 15, 2016

Hide & Seek

Depending upon your (pre)position
you know something has been missing
never there before perhaps,
up to your pointed laser view.
Also, suspect,
a break was needed,
new as and empty as the day sky,
open to be filled again
with dark matter.
The wax melts still
and cools our jets yet
taking it all in
was never personal.
Decay, as they say, as decay
is only natural.
You see how the light dissipates thin and wide,
they called them rays,
and they were good
enough for day.
The dark side always creeps away,
conserving potential, greater than the sun
only to begin again
scratching and digging out of the grave
new world.

Photo By Yellowstone National Park from Yellowstone NP, USA [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

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Tres (trace)

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