Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Good Nights Sleep

Sweet Slumber

Well hellooo there!
(a sheepish greeting)
How I've missed you,
longed for you,
Not a late hour passes
I don’t desire
to succumb to your hypnotic powers
but your absence leaves me weary and drained
at the pits of night
I religiously wait
ritually for you
in blankets warm embrace.
With eyes tight shut
I can almost see you now
ghostly taunting in and out
a world of matter
There you are!
Please stay!
Please come more often!
This fleeting hibernation
of breath seeking rhythm
wincing against defiant lids-
reminding me- There's work to do!

Please don't go!

Feature image By Book author is Mary Ries Melendy, MD [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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