Showing posts with label gifts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gifts. Show all posts

Thursday, July 6, 2017

No gift receipt

Give me
a dry wood chair sitting in the filtered summer sun...
Give me
a dry chair in the summer sun and a thin book of dense poetry to peruse...
Give me
a dry chair in the summer sun with some poetry to read and my blue cat upon my lap,
Give me
a wood chair in the filtered sunlight with some sweet poetry and a fat happy cat along with a fuzzy soft peach sweating sugar at hand...
Give me
a warm chair in a little shade, some sweet words and a light breeze, along with a little purring, sticky lips from stone fruits, and the tiny taps of beak smacking mocking birds...
Give me
a chair in the sun, sweet poetry to sink my teeth into, a comfortable cat and a bleeding pen that simply translates all the birds' words,
then I am spoiled
in a shower of gifts,
sated and barefoot in the Bermuda.

Painting by Béla Iványi-Grünwald, 'Lady sitting in the arbor' (1903) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Case Of Silk Pajamas

It came in a package too pristine to open
A box of quiet dynamite,
Muffled with tissue paper
Under a whispered film of disguise
Only restrained by a single golden seal
To be unleashed only by the daring new possessor
Chosen by default, a lack of any better idea,
Smart luck maybe
Or perhaps they chose you, for your lack of opposition to suggestion
Evocative and immaculate
With trembling fingers afraid to touch
These cannot be for me?
These are not mine!
Who do you think I am?
Sheer perplexing gift, not the image I see as me
Shouldn’t you know-
I had been in flannels too long!
Oh, what trouble this gift would cause?
Liberating sensuality should be “handled with care”
Liquid luxury woven in threads,
Fully exposed-naked and draped in material,
Fluid and solid Immaterial feeling
Eyes without sight provided by the darkness of night
The deafening joy of touch screams
In the romance of night, between the sheets
Hugging, whispering, caressing lonely places on my skin
The sense of touch
Weaving webs in my soul
 Pores breathing and gasping for air,
 The air of luxury, the air up here is sweeter
A box of silky chocolates gets devoured
An unquenchable craving develops with just one taste
This gift needs no returning, these silk pajamas are so me!
A warning should be given to the giver
Who never knew
How wearing silk pajamas will utterly change you
Out of the cocoon
and into your arms.

Image credit:By 文同 English: Wen Tong (1018–1079) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons (ink on silk)

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...