Showing posts with label wildfires. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wildfires. Show all posts

Monday, December 11, 2017

Warming up in the arena

The arena is oval
intentioanlly making
the full circle of time
to come back around.

And again, there she was
propped on top 
of the highest hill
and I, as usual, 
stood down on
the slope to the sea.

We smelt smoke
lifted noses and sought out the source
at the same time
the lighting changed 
at once, dramatically.

The sun, abased,
hid his face,
and then ashes fell in fat white flakes
resembling a December snowfall.

The chimes rang in the festivities,
discarding suddenly
the carols for a cacaphony.
Twas an ode to Saint Ana, played
in her lowest latitiude
in lieu of Saint Nick
from the shrill Northmost pole.

And again,
it was watching the horses
that knocked the wind out of me.
I found myself suddenly breathless,
trampled and tethered to death-again
it was familiar, like a rerun of hooves
and clapping.

Under a change of directional
winds, the brittle atmosphere
carried things this way
on a warm winter day.

Amid the sea of grey, the longshot,
made a circle of gates
sent forth as smoke signals and 
red flags at the finish line.

One time we will learn
it is by noses alone
that races are won
or lost.

Photo credit by cogdogblog ( [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May Day, May Day

May Day, May Day

In a moment
the azure pre summer sky
from nowhere
plumed carbon black
ominous clouds amid a serene backdrop.
a bomb with no sound,
Wretched silence plays notes on nerves
Fierce gasps
gusts of billowing ash
snow of fire.
screams of sirens
wail frantically
thumping blades of helos 
cutting skies unseen
A white out all red aglow
this gray day in May.
Constricting breaths
with every gasp and gale.
Stoking and rising
from all horizons
caught in a cage
of an inferno blaze.
The dragon sky is breathing
igniting fear
Fire-nados churn
In the valleys of
glowing golden mansions.

A new day opens the still smoldering sky 
the crimson sun still rises.
The toll is taken
molten fragments
broken shards fused
a jigsaw puzzle with all the wrong pieces
a war in never won
when the smoke disappears
damage has been done
yet evermore
the heavenly blue sky
breaks through
without a scar,
traces of char
cannot touch
that which cannot be sooted or shattered
that which is indestructible
that which is fireproof.
The human spirit is our foundation
that stands eternally supporting
solidly holding on
to the important things
The immortal human torch.
which will always rise above the flames.

Published in the 2015 Embers and Flames Anthology by Outrider Press.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...