Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts

Monday, July 10, 2017

Transmission in Transition

Freeway roars more than ever,
not because it is a Monday.

With August time is pushed against A/C windows,
glaring about where blind spots signal danger.

Only congestion is quiet.

The speedway whines under the weight of grey.
The police siren screams in haste haphazardly,
with authority, a cymbal, on its path of pursuit
in order to keep mobilized migrations
inside the lines.

The fog rolls by, pushing through and cutting off
the idle sun.
A red-shifting light through diesel smoke
imposed speed limits as a dare,
to supersede a sense of departure,

with one eye
fastened to looking back,
The other I

travels light. 

Painting by Joseph Stella, 'Battle of Lights, Coney Island' (1913) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Just passing through

You are going to think
I am out of my mind but
I pretend I am a tourist
in my town....
Just a traveler passing through
time and place, spacetime and outside

I examine the flora and fauna,
trees, blades of grass, the dress
of the locals
as though I've never been here before.

I watch the people on the streets, mid-week
converse or casually pass by
with warm smiles
and think it must always be sunny here.

I see dayworkers, most of which
nice enough, don't live here.

The police are all pleasant, people
drive generously,
children are clearly safe
on the streets with all
wheels welcome-
what a world they've made here.

A parade is about to begin,
Homecoming, again.
Art murals on walls,
scenic electric boxes,
cute painted fire hydrants
let no spot
be unbeautified-what a place!

Then I see me
driving around, doing errands,
chores, walking, sitting, reading,
and every time
I think-
It is clear as day,
there is no way 
she is local,
she is not from here.
But look-
she sees me watching, 
she's the only one
aware I'm there.
She smiles,
not like them,
and is clearly miles away.

Image by Robert Payton Reid, 'A summer's daydream' c. 1896 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...