Showing posts with label automobiles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label automobiles. Show all posts

Thursday, February 27, 2020


When learning how to meditate it is a common tool
to imagine
being on the side of a busy road, a freeway say,
watching the cars zoom by,
noticing the varying speeds
and taking in
the flow.

The automobiles are commuting thoughts
in this scenario,
unremembered by make, model and color
unless focused upon
in passing.

Being stuck on the shoulder
more than once myself,
some savior often pulls over
to offer help

it is fair to assume I simply ran out of gas,
it seems reasonable to conclude
I do not have reliable transportation,
and it is purely logical to reason
I have somewhere
to Be-

as if I could use a lift.

I try not to use the hazard lights.

Photograph by Alan Levine, 'Roadside Susans' taken 7/17 in Public Domain. 

Monday, July 10, 2017

Transmission in Transition

Freeway roars more than ever,
not because it is a Monday.

With August time is pushed against A/C windows,
glaring about where blind spots signal danger.

Only congestion is quiet.

The speedway whines under the weight of grey.
The police siren screams in haste haphazardly,
with authority, a cymbal, on its path of pursuit
in order to keep mobilized migrations
inside the lines.

The fog rolls by, pushing through and cutting off
the idle sun.
A red-shifting light through diesel smoke
imposed speed limits as a dare,
to supersede a sense of departure,

with one eye
fastened to looking back,
The other I

travels light. 

Painting by Joseph Stella, 'Battle of Lights, Coney Island' (1913) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...