Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts

Friday, October 17, 2014

Don't Get the Fax Machine

What is this Generation Gap
but a simple Leap of Faith?
You know how it goes,
these things sometimes skip,
trip and blunder our brains.
The Concept of Change
is quite strange
after all
it’s hard to understand
thingy-majigs, do-hickeys,
tech-no-ology and such.
Magically transforming words into air
or so, that's what my grandfather thought…
Is that what He is supposed to Believe?
That this mail comes through the trees?
Telephone poles and wires really-
not the pigeon type of messenger birds, silly!
This fancy fandangle thing,
that like a phone will ring-
it is called a ‘facsimile machine’.
Didn't Graham Bell teach you anything?!
It answers without words, taking pixelated note;
thinking, churning-you mean pictures now float?
They're all just dots
like coded language, recorded spots
(and although I continued to try to explain
stretching this bridge-span causes great pain.
And since my message would not go through
I tried an older language he maybe knew)
Ignoti mulla cupido*
Beati pauperes spiritu**
Deus ex machina?!***
Major e longinquo reverential****

I’ll not forget the Father that was Grand
as Father time keeps waving his hand.
I carried your weight in Irons and Wood.
You always knew I would turn out Good.
The genes you left me were of durable supply,
Even still after all these working years gone by
I still try to understand you the best I can-
what it was being a heroic and honest man
who marvels at the little things
like why the fax machine rings
if you’re not supposed to Answer it?

It is a perplexing device, I admit.

In Latin:
* The unknown does not tempt
**Lucky are those of a poor mind
***God out of machine

****Viewed from a distance, everything is beautiful

*Latin:The unknown does not tempt
**Lucky are those of a poor mind
***God out of machine
****Viewed from a distance, everything is beautiful

Image credit:By Quadissimus (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...