Showing posts with label pencil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pencil. Show all posts

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Implement(ation) (misc. Haiku from Journal v.3, 2016)

Self identifies
by letters strung together
make names from scratch(es).

Write with felt marker
in the morning; it will be
pencil by nightfall.

Butterfly and moth
are one chrysalis away
by color of death.

Naiveté is
a bumble bee whose life
is heavy with lust.

Territory, as 
a place you feel most at home
outside of yourself.

Enough already
the tallest trees drink slowly
take in the new air...

Photograph By ZachT (Own work) Bernese Alps in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Make your point

Cradled in the smooth groove
stretchy slope, perched between
your pointer
and omniscient thumb
the hexagonal pole poised in position
and lightly pinch
its slender girth
slide midway down its length
or further,
depending on your comfort level
or prowess,
practice with pointed objects

It's metal headband
watches from behind, coaching
looking for mistakes.
Taking aim with the tip
the bulls eye opening is your mark
the electric desktop bladed machine,
a miniature tree shredder of sorts.

It will resist and rock, grind
and gnash,
vibrating and stimulating
to the touch
Five seconds will do,
enough to make your point
sharp and new
although you've lost some length likely
you've left some carbon footprints where
it whittled itself away
right before erasure led to its faded decay
ashes to coal, black dust in the wind
archaically, today the pencil is passe.

I still use one today
and I could continue on rhyming this way,
until my coal dark pencil turns light grey.
Then again-
I think I'll grab a pen.

Image By Juliancolton (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Made in America

Made in America

We use some odd gadgetry,
primarily based on utility-

but sometimes things don't follow the plan-
especially when it comes to innovative man.

Some of these things are outdated or no longer used-
but oh how they continue to keep our simple minds amused.

For writing you can't beat a simple pencil-
it forgets and never bleeds, a perfect utensil.

But what about the ideal eating implement- the spork?
Preferred at picnics and in prison -it scoops both beans and pork.

The umbrella is great for rain-
but in the wind becomes a useless pain.

A fluffy scarf wrapped around your neck-
out in the cold it covers this small speck.

TV trays are really portable tepee tables-
used for much more than food and fables.

A trampoline is hopping fun-
until someone gets hurt and it's done.

For girls nail polish and lipstick are pretty paints-
but considered sinful by the Saints.

Boys chase balls and lift weights
Just hoping to score more dates.

Used books are better than timeshare-
But often include dog ears, markings and a funny air.

An analog watch will never go to sleep-
your time it will always keep.

Some people take pleasure in a silly rhyme,
after all -it passes the time.

Image By Makaristos (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
1st published 10/25/14.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...