Showing posts with label grammar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grammar. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2019


When composed
I have been most like a
lightly punctuated piece of prose.

I recently noticed this
when asked about tendencies
and putting ourselves into forms
or shapes.

When tasked
under grammatical conditions
we need not justify
why we do
to be understood through all the
various transitive verbiage.

Assembly was always required
of us
but never easy.
Only a certain grace found in
a harmless poem
could reflect lightly
a likeness of Others.

Our bodies of work
in the white spaces
where there is room for the shadows
cast by the words beheld
and there are more than enough
glimpses of more
to be caught-

in mid-air-
afloat where we see
more than the sun setting in
(a day).

Image of writing by Joseph Carstairs, penned c. 1820 in [Public domain].

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Graphing exponential poetry

Poetry is a verb, actually
like making math.

Word problems are like poems-
not the answers,
that would be equating
sentences with results,
or pseudo-solutions
as situationally contingent
on truth, theoretically philosophy.

Those theorems,
like theories (of everything)
contain figurative
symbols to represent
flatly for us
a two-dimensional space, so we can grasp
a ratio reliant deeply
on equivalent symmetry
or isonomy
for all,

Arithmetically synonymous
to finding n
with figuring out
the answers-sans numerals
by visualizing potential
testing x
:for scalability
and (un)limited (un) confidential correspondence
or N/A on


Image By Joshi1983 (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Description: English: Volumetric visualization of a fractal function f(x,y,z) where the cut of z=0 graphs the Mandelbrot fractal and the cut of z=1 graphs the Juliaset fractal. The final iteration counts were mapped to opacity levels and colours. The shadow effect is made by tracing rays back to a vanishing point and using the opacity level along the traced ray to determine how well lit each point should be.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...