Showing posts with label blur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blur. Show all posts

Sunday, April 19, 2020


It is the same way we see heat
emanation, only by the rippling
of reality,
an oasis awaits further down the road.

Despite the distance we cover,
no matter how we adjust our focus
crisp lines singe into smoke
feeling and senses
a source.

Desire is emanated
from the soul to the eye
that traces the shapeliness of
bodies around
a naked blur
which softly invites a gaze.

The way wind is welcome
where still
waiting for change
of pace moves no bodies
weighted with apathy.

The world spins, arrows fly,
hope floats, love kills, babies die,
the decrepit are reborn, the gates are locked,
gravity suspends its permanence
for a second

See how it feels...

Arid and parched
a body becomes
never reaching
for what cannot be held.

Image taken in Death Valley taken August 1982 by Roger 469 in Public Domain. 

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Speed wobbles

Racing past
one gets the landscape
by an Impression-ist wrist
At the window, the color box spilt
noting the puffs on the palette
pushing by, running in streams
the mouth waters, dipping brushes, the tongue wiggles
if I could reach out, put my hand in
this water colored river, grasping
gasping for shape, I'd find only
I’m afraid
to hold, still life
that poses as natural
representations of still-yet this is also
dead and buried plaster in acrylic
and the fiber bleeds, canvas cracks
like us, as personal whims
which color where
wafting pass a blended note
complimentary, nice to the eye
you catch mid-air, a mood, a tone
holding it there, while it is thrust forward
continuously, ever
taking souvenirs
wherever you go, grabbing
blades in the wind
at the expanse,
taking it all together
as rain on glass

racing past.

Image by Georges Seurat, 1882 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...