Friday, September 30, 2016

Totem poll

The final straw of September twenty-
ninths slit of smirking Black Moon-
the Indians have hung onto summer
with the same tenacity as their water dances
around the fire-I feel-
too long, feathered, and hot.
Sweltering shaded shelters there are none,
and I am white, weak and wrong,
along native latitudinal lines
not strong enough to weather
this Fall-
the pressure is too high to let go.

It makes me want to tear off my clothes
and immerse this blue skin in the sixty-three degrees
Pacific ocean
pacific specifically
September is succumbing to
October who strikes us sober.
Breaths like poetry help acclimate me
in worlds like Autumn.

By Internet Archive Book Images [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

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