Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Art of Being Neighbors

My neighbor from upstairs
stepped out onto his balcony
at six-fifteen on Wednesday
like he never got up
for Wednesday-he was
up-stairs, as I said
while I, in the garden
down bellow dirt level
watering and weeding
while he, squints
in critique at his canvas
tilting it and his head-
waved with two fingers
disheveled hair
and a puffy face
at me squatting
I may (as well) be making
I told him
Happy (late) Birthday!
he shrugged it off and
stammered about-
surprises, bottles and friends,
his cheeks match my
May I see-asked I,
knowing he needed an eye.
He obliged-
and it was
and so-the guilty party
was forgiven.

Image of painting By Carl Geist, 1906 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

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