Showing posts with label virtual reality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label virtual reality. Show all posts

Thursday, October 17, 2019


They have to learn us-
I mean, accumulate all
impressions captured,
you know, geo-tags, less spikes and lags.
And by establishing parameters around
relevant competition
so that the satellite knows where to point-seek
see and target
your location. Listen. It is always on.
The side windows have been tailored to suit your
viewing interests and browsing history,
like likes and bounce rates, time on page,
so we may streamline and then stream it all
in quibits and bytes, encoded in panglish
to converse a vice
between hard and rock, speak and spoke
or 0 and one
from figuring in and factoring out the optimal solution
to reality and our abundance of equations.
They will learn us,
if given enough data to digest. Input. Output.
Recycle and Reduce the point of Occam's Razor.
Another You beta, only in row phase,
randomized for optimum complexity.

We taught each other how to live. 

Image credit by Carol M. Highsmith [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, 'Data Storage in Modern office building' c. 1980-90.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Flashy fades

A flashy glimmer like cut gem facets
pointed from deep inside those eyes
your two, made it seem
we knew what was coming.
We did not.

It looks like we have something important to do.
We will wait.

if we continue this way
all falls into place just so
we know more
about manipulation
and virtual reality
will it help...

Do not answer that. Let it ring.

Strange. This dry confidence permeates
by civilian ardor.
Suddenly, we had trouble

The Progress.
Some gasped, as if they could take more.
Others sobbed in sync.
Most of us never knew
nor cared to quarry

Distribution thins out
when princes runout
of fission for our future necessities
sparing only
cherished memories.

Patience. It will always come
for you.

Painting By James Campbell (1828 - 1893), Waiting for Legal Advice (1857),  (British) Born in Liverpool, England. Dead in Birkenhead, England. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...