Showing posts with label vanishing point. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vanishing point. Show all posts

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Terminal Velocity

My toes point to that familiar path
over which I tread the same very way
without thought, after days, after days
                               only it doesn't end.
The terminus dissipates before me
the exit escapes

fracturing new matter,
atoms posing in new positions,
the frames along the long hall
                                        rattle and
all fall, shattering into

I have moved on and on
and recognize how the light changes
just enough to see
through and parallel time
at equal velocities and thus
all must be still-

transported. This is how
I can be carried along
in this metropolitan body,
incentivized, yet
                    infested with crime,
corrupt with ego, more so
hiding in skin
I was entrusted to always protect-
                                        but don't.

Animal eyes see me
burrow in my bi-pedestal body
and hear my heart beat itself and
echo through my unshod feet-
yet I do not run,
                                   I carry on,
erect, by these same narrow walls
plastered shells, caves or caverns
alternating distances passed
by vision and memory
weary but walking on and on
this way
toward the vanishing point.

Photograph By PCR Services Corporation, creator [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, April 8, 2017


This is how we Do,
This is how we Don’t
                in this
             -of Poetry-
An atria lets in light
& emits extra 
pillowed noise.

It is the vanishing point
we should be focusing on,
imprecise lengths and indivisibility,
where dreams
during the day dull too acute states.

First, it was
the writers fork,
sourceless drops on the forehead,
all the hand stains, bruises,
and finally settled in the wrist vein, 
no longer embedded 
in the life line.

Do this-concentrate-
Indirectly, gather all the colors if you can,
hone in on these speculative gradients,
Do not notice this indifference, it may be
that you see succinctly
how beautifully
                         -all points vanish...

Image credit Tenshō Shūbun [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...