Showing posts with label road rage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label road rage. Show all posts

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Road Rage

I found this small torn out article (below) from an unknown date (1950's?) stuffed and saved amongst my grandfathers stories, he had a unique sense of humor. I will transcribe the story below the image.

(CHELMSFORD, England) -  "A motorist, cigar in mouth, honked his horn at the mailman whose bicycle blocked his way to the stoplight.  The mailman, outweighed but not intimidated, stared back.

Then the fun began before a fascinated noontime crowd here Monday.

First the motorist edged his car forward and nudged the mailman from his bike. The cycle fell over.

The mailman turned around and kicked both headlights on the car.

The driver stalked from the car, walked over to the bicycle laying on the road, and jumped up and down on its wheels, bashing in all the spokes. Then he returned to his car. 

The mailman, who had watched all this impassively, kicked in the car's foglight-a cruel blow to England. 

The driver got out again, raised the bike high above his head and dashed it to the ground.

The mailman leaned over, took the tire pump from his bike and thrust it through the car's windshield. 

The motorist surrendered.
With cigar belching smoke, he got back into his car and drove off.

But the mailman wasn't finished. As the car went by, he kicked a dent in the door. Then he picked up his disabled bike and walked off.

No one knew who the two men were. And neither of them said a word throughout the whole affair."  

Auto accident image from Wikimedia (public domain) National Photo Company, 1923.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...