Showing posts with label practice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label practice. Show all posts

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Go pace yourself

Two hands
for beginners,
my mother would always say without
knowing what she really meant.
She quoted Nietzsche with
the same naivete.

I told my daughter about books
on records, that bong when you should
turn the page. She liked my retelling
of Peter and the Wolf

I watched her start off,
as passionate as possible,
with everything at her fingertips,
only to try to finish
like me, too hurriedly.

I figure
-Slow Down-
is good advice
for any age.

In the beginning
I heard myself say,
two hands for beginners,
knowing that holding steady
requires much practice.

We make it look
too easy.
When using both hands
we should say something
about the strength

Painting by William Adolphe Bouguerau, c. 1899 in Israel Museum [Public domain].

Monday, January 25, 2016

Balancing Banality

It's too early. Only 3:20.
Now I'm late, it's already 4:18. Up. Slippers, blanket, shivers me limber.
Coffee on, kitchen-sink light, electric fireplace on, computer, charge phone, let Smokey in, let Bandit out.
Log in, open tabs, feed cats, get coffee, stir, sip, must pee, wash hands-warm...
Go through stacks on desk, left to right, read, reply, read, save, share, send, read, post, drink coffee.
All done, next?
For daughter waking up, more lights on, TV, News on, make more coffee, write, watch, read.
Poetry, philosophy, physics.
Stop. Take daughter to school. Thoughts…
Kiss. Goodluck on your test! Rah, rah!
More thoughts.
Done? Home? Yes. Next.
Take shower-towel-smells moldy. Hot water hits head, goosebumps.
Get ideas-hurry, hurry, hurry!
Warm soapy shave in fast strokes, lather, rinse, rinse, rinse.
Hurry...what was it...down the drain-
Next. Clothes.
What do I want to look like today? Someone else, for sure.
Preening Takes Way Too Loooonnngg!
Done getting ready for nothing. Next?
Shoot, chores first. Head down. Sleeves up.
Laundry, dishes, straighten, sweep, trash out, beds...8:17. What's for dinner tonight?
Do crossword puzzle, drink green juice. Nourished. Done. Next.
Shoot, where was I? Who was I working on?
Learn, learn, learn. Write, write, write, there-right there
I am, somewhere
Nope, Stop. Drop it. Head Down.
Pick up daughter, lend her my ears, shoulder, back.
Stroke pretty little fragile ego. All better.
Done. Home? Already? Okay. Next.
More laundry, more dishes, check the mail, bills, bills, bills.
More coffee. Read. Write. Read.
Interruptions-water plants.Done. Next?
Dinner, studying, Jeopardy, read. Think that I should be writing.
Read in bed. Still think that I should be writing.
It's too late. Read.
Escape, wander free!
Oh! There's me-right before I sleep, a peak, the top of
higher consciousness
falls back into the deep...almost
Done for the day
until the next
thing I get to
do over and over
and over until it's all over.
I look Up and find
it's a brand new day, never
Done before...

but will I notice?

Image By Marc Stone [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, 1939.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...