Showing posts with label physics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label physics. Show all posts

Thursday, September 6, 2018

The results are in(side)

As much as we can
plan, prepare, project,
anticipate and speculate,

none of these internal actions
guarantee consistent results,
busyness does not guarantee business,

and if these formulae were applied
to physics, they would be rejected,
expelled from the multi-verse
for lack of proof.

Then again,
on second thought,
coincidence, chance, luck, and odds
are signs, symbols we play

while pretending to know the words,
pretending our sounds can sway
a little more our way.

We all have just one chance,
with many potential outcomes.
Any way
we aim our intent, cast our gaze,
manipulate, edit and re-calculate our theories,

the many verses when sung all together
touch notes, tickle fancies, connect
dark matter making the inconceivable,
tangible, the noise, harmonious,
and the future full of space.

Image By NASA/JPL-Caltech/WISE Team (WISE), Rho Ophiuchi [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Layman terms

A single handful
of random people
understand astrophysics-
particularly excluding women
that choose cosmetology
over cosmology-
when trying to turn back time.

Look inside the steeple,
only this many people
read poetry.
They gather to create volume-
in order to absorb the familiar
echoes of shared words-
also known by

Nobody reads anymore
between the lines,
along the marginalia,
the mean matches the median,
rounded to zero.

At least there seems to be
never enough
to explore other dimensions
and related matters
in(di)visible as a (w)hole.

Artwork by Charles Demuth [No restrictions or Public domain], 'Roofs and steeple' c. 1921 via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Joy of Aging

Bubbles should be saved
for old age
after we have learned about 
Physics and seen many 
circles in life
when we have learned 
what Hope tends to do
when it hits matter
It would be something
to look up to.

Image By Brocken Inaglory (Own work Transferred from en.wikipedia) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Theta + Haiku

chaos is simplicity’s Truth
change is not complex

The balancing act
of super-symmetry
through two-way mirrors

As the cradle rocks
lullabies of gravity
carrying a moon

Fusion of Forces
binded by tension

A microcosm
of you, a macrocosm
of We, divided

Image By Zdnrp (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...