Showing posts with label pergola. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pergola. Show all posts

Friday, August 31, 2018


Days filled out to the horizon edges
Ever seeking water, buying bottles of it, disposables
Toilet paper by the ton weight-compostable
and "What’s for dinner?”
Not in that order, in between
laundry loads.

“Do termites eat bamboo?”
He asked me. Seems to be.
The pergola’s slatted skeleton roof 
has become brittle, weathered, withered. 
“Recycling slow,” I finally say,
“We won't have to take it down when we go,”
I looked up to the source of the birdsong,
while he looked down, inspecting
insect droppings.

How he despised any discussion
of death; Post-facto.
While I was preoccupied
making beds, tucking in the corners,
he overlooked the white noise
roar of termites digesting all edges
between inside and out. 

Photo credit: me (Pergola, 2016)

Friday, September 25, 2015

The space of my quiet place

I-in this caged space
Sit hidden, beneath bamboo rods overhead
amidst a lush green crowned atria
I volunteer to sit in the birdcage, with the butterflies and song
perched in the open pergola

I-fall into this open space
In my own backyard, behind the garage, now hidden
even further, behind the black holes of my eyelids.
And I feel the sky, it rumbles discontent when a plane
pushes its way through. A crow objects-to something
while a wren gaily chatters to itself and a mockingbird barks back.
The fountain trickles underneath, like a rushing spring
sounding more than it is.
The steady exchange of footsteps coming
crush the grass and shatter the voluminous silence.

I-give in, open up, and see-this space
and flashing bold colors. The filtered sunlight shows
Leaves prancing over the grey slate stones, that try to compete for my gaze.
Bougainvillea pink paper, peeling skin lays
among the spent honeysuckle bottles. Slowly drained,
looking up to the lattice, it’s a vines race to take over this space-
passion fruit, trumpet, creeper and jasmine-
leaves their perfume trail, in the space we mingle, 
cage door always open. 

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...