Showing posts with label palm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label palm. Show all posts

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Time will never Tell

With these hands
I have cradled the past.
With these hands
I have buried memories.
With these hands,
still-lined with life,
callused by death,
I grasp air in my palm
and feel it trapped there
squirming in a fist.

With these hands
I held my babies-once, long ago-
now forbidden to touch
With the same such tender care.

With these hands
I sealed my ancestors in dirt
now sealed away from all five senses.

With these hands,
I make words
that lose their matter while gaining typeface.
I multiply my meaning only to divide
by the given definition of what it is
To pen or poem.

With these hands,
I scratch the wet shoreline,
I was here
With these hands.
I open my palms
erasing my place

just in Time.

Image by By DashaVZ (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Cockcrow of the crows and a cockatoo

There are city dwelling birds
that are not your common stool pigeons.

The ravens occupy the east
side of the tracks.

The gulls guard the windy west.

On garbage day they all rise early
not for worms in the green box holes-
they know the small fries
are at the bottom of paper bags.

We had a murder
before our pine tree was felled
from illness. Yet, like serial flyers,
they moved to another pine,
preferring needles and sap
to the plethora of palms;
mexican fan, kintia, canary, 
the King and Queen and the Phoenix.

The ravens also get dates,
taking them out to 
happening intersections
and drop them so they 
get cracked by cars,
rolling through
while the fair gulls glide along
bellies filled with stale soft bread-
And I remember good old Fred.
Taken in and taught by those
how to
blend in seamlessly-though he's a cockatoo.

They fly as one flock
rise and cockcrow,
the gulls sneer and squawk.
The city birds are not blind
deaf or dumb, 
winged with wayward choice
The murder
doesn't mind
one more white bird
or a cock or two. 

Image By Liftarn (Traced from Image:Odin's ravens right.PNG) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...