Showing posts with label ordinary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ordinary. Show all posts

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Where are we going today?

Summer blues come in many hues,
               but a simple walk around the block,
can do more than just change your attitude,
                it tends to bloom happy rays of gratitude.

So, today I'll help make you beautiful,
            we will start outside
and work our way in.

This perfect summer's day,
             in that lackadaisical sauntering way,
we'll explore something new,
             at least it will be to you.

A simple stroll,
             exercise for the soul,
meandering our mind,
             as we wind through worded streams,
along wild city paths,
             overgrown with order.
You kindly asked what else was new-
            I promised to show you-

It had always been there-
            whether we were walking and talking-
or not even watching, while it waited-
            patiently for us to notice anyway
it still grew out of nowhere,
always on display, for days like today.

On a well worn path,
            footsteps all blended in one heel,
vaguely stamping all,
           or nothing in front of us,
around the bend,
            not knowing what lies,
right in front of us
            a pleasant surprise.

Together, however,
            we find the extra parts of ordinary,
in the sharply scented forgotten moments,
my yummy morsels of motherhood,
             lingering in the sweet heat of furrowed brows,
the summer sun easing our way,
              as it is so happily today.
By walking this way,
looking at the mundane in another way,
I knew you'd say, “Look at how beautiful it is outside! 
What a pretty day!”
And on the inside
looking in, I knew
All the beauty was coming from You.

Image of painting by Ă‰mile Friant, 1906, Maternal Tenderness [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...