Showing posts with label nasty woman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nasty woman. Show all posts

Friday, December 13, 2019

Nasty Bird Woman

Nasty woman.
Mean spirited old bird. 
She knew she was evil
and she tried 
to contain her corrosive
blanketed in righteous robes
of recycled plastic number seven,
which frayed at all the visible edges.

Rough is not equal to sharp.

For the safety of her loved ones
she played Nice,
but her costume did not fit
She was swollen, frumpy
in her misery, her resentments
festered like puss,
she reeked of infection
and abhored the
good scents
like innocence.

The green oozes out
leaving a slimy stain
where she once stood
her ground,
she makes it sound
like she is stuck
in her own trap.
A trap is a trap
when open.

Witches always walk
high and mighty
as if they were born
for power,
mistaking strength for malice.
Weight was all she could do

I found myself 
standing over her well,
peering down 
into the depths of her Hell
which widens like a sinkhole 
swallowing all solid ground
and livlihood in her proximity.
My nose shrinks.
It smells rotten. 

those that profess they possess;
intelligence, honesty and tidiness
are ignorant of the obviously sloppy lies 
they leave everywhere 
like litter-
who left this here?
There is a fine left to pay.
It will be collected,

How in Hell
does she sleep?
Champagne and Mexican pills.
Her flute overfills
bubbling over
the limit.

Artwork by George Romney, 'Tom Hayley' in Public Domain (date unknown). 

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...