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Showing posts with label multitasking. Show all posts

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Wanna Rochambeau?

Like a street performer, like a trouper, (street: trouper)
I do my act if no one is watching,
                                       juggling my choices.
Mainly for free, or some pennies
                                       the Change not wanted.
With sleight of hand and plenty of practice, (hands: practice)
                                       it doesn't look like I try
Making Magic.
I am ambidextrous.
I am a woman.
                                      (they are one and the same)
                                      (Mother: Medusa)
Not every woman knows what's in her bag or how to use her
or treats themselves good.
It's dangerous to perform for others,
                                       without total trust in your skill.
In one hand I hold
                                       a folded blanket
to wrap around like hugs, a shield of
                                       warm love.
In the other hand
                                      I conceal a knife-
an appropriate protection,
for self-defense and public assault.
It scares people when I show the sharp blade(s)
                                      so I often keep it sheathed
its appointed place, razored edges inside.

I pulled it out of my heart one day,
                                      as only I could do,
wedged though it were,
                                      still dripping with gilt.
I am not a bull fighter.
I am a peaceful cow.
I do not run with scissors.
My blanket is a cape.
I am always begging for Change
                                        (performance : art)
From the stone that was my heart;
                                        I pivot,
                                        I spin,
                                        I begin,
again, two out of three.
                                       (the best of me)
The blanket as thin as a sheet.
The sword as sharp as scissors.
The rock that is my heart,
I ro-sham-bo,
(rock: paper: scissors)
(ching: chang: walla)
(ick: ack: ock)
leaving nothing to chance.
A woman will always win.

Image of living statue Kate Mior, performing as Angel of Good Fortune, Ontario Canada. 

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...