Showing posts with label measure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label measure. Show all posts

Friday, August 31, 2018

Thumb Rules

I learned recently how to measure the length of a lei,
officially, circle-length of Aloha, which is
akin to the foot length of the forearm-
between the wrist and elbow-
you find a number true to you and I
some magic formulae.

I studied the man taking long counting strides,
his lips moving,
as he measured the distance
between us
as if following a treasure map
leading to nothing.

At the last minute meeting,
the Scottish Architect wanted to know 
how many trees must go?
And he asked about the slope situation 
and the root removal.

Half the canopy distance wise-safer than sorry. 
And the roots must remain
for erosion control.
This was no rule of thumb but
the architect squinted and 
reconsidered his angle.

As it was above,
so it was below.
With the measurements being equal,
the length of walking away,
by the width of a tree,
the gold coins were spread

Image: Il Tratto di Scientia d'Arme (Camillo Agrippa), 1553 (Second guard of Camillo Agrippa in his 1553 treatise) in Public Domain.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...