Showing posts with label mad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mad. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2017

Outside cages

Why pink flamingos
and aged Scotch, all neat,
let me tell you.
-not listening to your Top 40,
tacky Top 10's of no clicking ends,
to slim-fit into one size
single best remedy for ADHD-Spanx-
lacy Ritalin and sucking it in and up.
Apps and crap.
No thanks to letters and breath,
there is never enough for famishing...

Though the wind chimes were hung inside
happy is not home.
Respiration. Sleep-a mystery. Love-
a labyrinth. Ex-hale kings and queens.

Keeping company in cupboards
and memories in the pantry
is conservation.
Cold storage for
Natural Disasters unanticipated calamities
to be consumed
best by poetry stocked up.

Wallpaper was a little library,
well, the glue was all edible
they became consumed this way.

And I, the bye
as a terrible host,
there are no chairs here to offer you,
shall I cut you some rug?

Sit. Stay. Spin.

It is breezy, yes.
The window is stuck wide open
so the birds can watch me

Painting By Daderot (Own work) [Public domain or CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Innate Instability

Madness is
hearing voices.
No, that was my conscience.
Madness is
multiple personalities.
No, I am a caretaker, a writer, a witness in one.
Madness is;
Deep Depression, Soaring Elation, Paralyzing Fear, Boundless Joy.
No, this is the ride we're on.
Madness is
germaphobes and hypochondriacs.
No, there's a pill for that.
Madness is
the noise outside, the silence inside.
No, these are creature comforts.
Madness is
learning and forgetting.
No, practice is process on repeat.
Madness must get easier.
Madness is mostly
living on language.
No, that is poetry.
Madness is
intimately knowing death
while casually living life.
Madness is
arguing with ones self,
And now I'm Mad.

“I'd rather have a free bottle in front of me than a prefrontal lobotomy.”-Tom Waits

Image of painting by Hieronymus Bosch (circa 1450–1516) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

And then...

  Change is like that strong smell of cut grass or chopped wood that stops you still. Patterns, a symbol can be an illegible sign,  at first...