Showing posts with label free-style. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free-style. Show all posts

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Finding your voice

I've seen it before and
after all,
it only happened once
upon a time well
spent, broke, long ago back
then when 
ever you were told
to speak
easy, think twice before
crossing the line
drive thru and through
a glass looking eye
lid, keep it on, preserves
or jam, like free-style and ad-
liberty to justice for
some reason
a cause and effect of
listening between the 
sheets, three to the wind
and rain and rapt on window
panes in the
riddle me this
one time, one point
bullet in the chamber
hallways that lead
by example how to
do it yourself, dependent free
will to say
what you mean 
and nasty and quick
like, Its My Life
or Death Wish.

Image of painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Veronica Veronese, 1872 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. "Se penchant vivement, la Veronica jeta les premières notes sur la feuille vierge. Ensuite elle prit l'archet du violon pour réaliser son rêve; mais avant de décrocher l'instrument suspendu, elle resta quelques instants immobile en écoutant l'oiseau inspirateur, pendant que sa main gauche errait sur les cordes cherchant le motif suprême encore eloigné. C'était le mariage des voix de la nature et de l'âme—l'aube d'une création mystique. / Lettres de Girolamo Ridolfi
[Suddenly leaning forward, the Lady Veronica rapidly wrote the first notes on the virgin page. Then she took the bow of the violin to make her dream reality; but before commencing to play the instrument hanging from her hand, she remained quiet a few moments, listening to the inspiring bird, while her left hand strayed over the strings searching for the supreme melody, still elusive. It was the marriage of the voices of nature and the soul—the dawn of a mystic creation.]"

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...