Showing posts with label dragonflies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dragonflies. Show all posts

Friday, March 24, 2017

Buteo regionalis

Buteo regionalis:

Skeeter, he said.

Skeeter eaters, 
                         we were noting the explosion.

No doubt you know the kind,
                          And he’s telling me these 
                          hordes of skeeters
do not eat or attack, they do not even snack.

Now the water skeeters, are blood suckers,
                          Those bite back-

he says of the miraculous vampires
that walk or stride on water, yes I confess
                           this is super natural.

Despite my slight Entomophobia
                           I think it might be nice to be plated
                           like the armadillo or rolly-polly bug
or hover just so, like a dragonfly.

The cockroach will survive the apocalypse,
by digging down deeper when the air changes.

We laugh about this, the order of the species.
He is the same guy that made people paste with honey.

An Africanized bee wags its bottom, pointedly, 
                            next to us,
Its head tucked deep into the dripping honeysuckle,

And I cheer-
Bottoms Up,

Honey, I say, I think we are looking at it wrong-
perhaps we are reading the final order upside
Irritated with me, 
                              He finally conceded.

Artwork By Smith, Jessie Willcox, 1863-1935 (artist); L. Prang & Co. (publisher) (Flickr: In the Garden) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

The dragonflies of August

And yet
how quickly we forget
that which are not ours
suspended outside of us
that snare our sound
held steady by a spell
we dutifully await
notice, complimenting
the color red.

Remembering something splendid
August by name, summer sprawlers
when warriorflies meet damselflies
nymphs and naiads
jolt in the sun propelling
in omnidirectional ambivalence
the hunted pauses in quiescence.

A blue clasher notes
royalty indigo with glints
of visual vibrations
that absorb you whole
by natural odonate order
of kindred carnivore.

In prismatic charisma
of holographic hovering
a resurrection of still
Sublime observers
primal movers of seasons
they have valid reasons
survival breeds
tellurian tenerals
that travel through time
by worm hole
defining translucence
to trapped terrestrials
helping us
our defected
their perfected
Augustine animus.

Image by By Jon Sullivan [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...