Showing posts with label creativity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creativity. Show all posts

Friday, March 31, 2017

Two sides

It is common to accuse the right or left lobe
for your logical or creative stumble,

when, in reality, these two dimensions of self,
the brain divided, may be called Past & Future,
or memory and planning.

People still get stuck.

The human skull does not seal the two sides
as one mind, until around age thirty.

Conveniently, it is also easy to divide
All people into two types;
Those that arrive early and those that are chronically late.

I will wait
until now comes

The frigate and dolphin sleep
one lobe at a time as they both traverse across
mirroring vast expanses of blue. 

‘Biologists’, we call them,
all conclude that They, the bird and the aquatic mammal
do not communicate in the same way,

Have you ever thought about someone you knew,
historically, and then
seen them somewhere
out of nowhere?

This is not called ‘coincidence',
It is pronounced eloquence. 

Photo of 'Bottlenose' By claudia14 [CC0 or CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Where Art thou Writer?

I tried to paint black cows on a moonless night,
it never came out right, 12 times out of ten,
but then I added blue and I knew
I was not a painter,
so I quit for a bit.
I tried cleaning
I tried mapping, lists, and other gists of things,
All of which turned out were wrong.
then I wrote, and wrote and wrote
without periods,
and tried and tried to stop the words whizzing
by, arrest and test, to find the best ones.
I was fooled, I failed again and again
picking pyrite on sight,
my carbon spilt into lead,
took nothing out but blood,
a flood of it and died on the page.

Now the cows can sleep peacefully,
if only I could see.

Artwork by Paulus Potter (c. 1647) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Will there be cake?

Consciousness tingles, it is innuendo.
Inference must mean Independence.
Did you feel it too?
What is made is meaning,
adding weight to white.
Creativity expressed, is a calculated
release of logical liability,
lingering in anonymity.
Who knew: What it signals: Symbols
And suggestions are like trees
noticed or not
we breathe and need.

My name, like yours, I borrowed
because of its beauty
which withers when said by self.
This Time, made new for you,
an apparition, re-rapt; a peek-and-boo
solely for your special occasion.
What's inside? It is red.
Firing systematic flares in synapse, see red.
Silence is listening as loud as possible.
Aren't all words formal invitations?
We are all too busy to attend.

Image By Ministry of Information Photo Division Photographer [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...