Showing posts with label contact. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contact. Show all posts

Friday, April 17, 2020


En route
observe by taking in
your immediate surroundings,
eyes touching face coverings,
nothing could effectively hide
what is done
is being done by undoing,
by implementing more restrictions
others to do the same.

We stay
like obedient house-pets
longing for fresh air
hanging our heads
out the window
we notice
how it smells
like something new.

Pacing ourselves
replaces racing toward the End where
no meetings will take place-
in person
there is less
to get, less we can do, less available, less security,
less was nevermore than just enough.

What goes around
in circles
gets smaller, our circles ellipse
until we end
with no points
of contact.

We leave the blanks
instead of filling our barrels with ammunition,
from six feet away
we look the same underneath
our personal protection,
mortal and our skin feels too thin.

We covered our bases
and dirt floors
until the rug unraveled
leaving the looming
dyed without a pattern.

Photograph credit: Ministry of Information Photo Division Photographer, 1941 in Public domain.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Wise eyes

Blink the drapes
promise me just a peek
into the whole you

Some light filters through
nocturnal pupils wink
in growing view

The horizon waits
posing at a distance
closer than infinity

Muted dimensions bleed over
open endlessly, unraveling 
before me, after you

Swallowing the hole
lingering note, an after taste
foreshadowing hues cast

between you and I
a line is strung
will you
touch it
with your
wise eyes?

Composed 6/20/15.

Image of painting by Paul Émile Chabas [Public domain], Nymph, (1869-1937) via Wikimedia Commons.

Half-dozen Mud cakes

Back to wood decks, quarter-size spiders, webs, moss  and creatures stirring in the hollow nights Back to no side-walks and skirting into th...