Showing posts with label coil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coil. Show all posts

Monday, January 9, 2017

Kin and Coils

Both a question and answer
She said it was a problem with the coil 
as though confused.

I pictured;
DNA, slinkies on stairs, kinetic-kin-esthetics
aesthetics, Mortal Coil, and machine.

I said 
circular aloud as though 
no question
could be more reduced or simplified.
I thought I was perplexing my math
by the bushel.

Preserving a zealous harvest of grapes 
is easier done than said, since raisins
are so underrated, 
I think more for me
        practicing patience.
Curing is an act of minor magic.

First in process, taking salt 
        to all open wounds
forces the nastiness to the surface,
same as throwing up in my mouth. 
The heaviest bits should stay down. 

With a sneering smile, she wanted a hug.
You'll thank me later, she said without cause,
there was no question
problems come around 
like kin and kinesics. 
Entitled to know

Photo By NASA (Great Images in NASA Description) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. 
Detail:The Pilot Plasma Engine. This traveling wave accelerator, being operated by Raymond W. Plamer of the Lewis Electromagnetic Propulsion Division, uses an alternating current power supply. The AC feature avoids the life limitations of direct current accelerators where electrode parts rapidly deteriorate from touching the plasma. The traveling wave accelerator works like its name. A neutral plasma of electrons and ions is produced in the source at the left. This plasma moves to the right and is accelerated by a moving magnetic field in the four black coils. Such acceleration produces thrust, perhaps enough to propel a future spacecraft beyond the Moon.Taken Jan. 1961.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...