Showing posts with label blind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blind. Show all posts

Saturday, November 26, 2016

You for ick & X-Stacy

Tantalize me, blind me
with only the very tip
of touch
by bare skin, finger-
tip and thirsting tongue
piquancy tastes of infusion
and shutterless delusions

Sip and savor
thick honeyed pleasure
open viscous and slow,
collecting each drop contains
seven heavens
in one sin

Shall we begin
by a scent
magnet eyes,
enrapt by craving
connection, in conductive curiosity
never killed the unseen energy
crackling its static ring
of five

And generosity
left to ecstasy
takes lying down
where I would
in twice meant
lurid along making life lines
by hand.

Drawing by By Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de (Unknown) c. 1896 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, June 17, 2016

My right, your left

It all worked out,
                      things, that is,
what are nows
                       are exactly how they
should have been
                       we never needed
to worry and plan
                       all that armament
and added security
                       all for nought
knowing it would be good
                       as the old days
back then when it was
                       too dark to see
ahead or two
                       eyes do nothing
but distract, in fact
                        you made it that way
blindly feeling
                        your way
extrasensory gifts
                        finding a fit
and working your way
                        back out.

Image of painting by George Frederic Watts, c. 1886, Hope [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A city called Home

If I were blind the first question would be
then Am I?
If I were to listen I could not tell our places
Your city sounds no different than my home.

When I close my eyes
                to turn up the volume,
when I strain to listen in
               the sounds become deafening.

I can hear your train
               passing through.
I can hear the rushing waters,
through my fountain
                or your pipes.
I can hear conversations
                not for me,
laughter, underlapping rise and
of voice-
a plane passes also
                not for me.

I can smell the cafes, the local fare,
I can smell the clothes and bodies,
I can smell the trash and perfume spent
for no good reason.

The pots and pans,
footsteps, traffic, coming and goings
of whims from my window
it tastes exhilarating.

Smiles, and dings, rings,
jewels, tones, excuse me's
and gotta go's
seem exhausting.

I could ever need,
under one roof,
safely knowing each footstep
                      to the door, down the hall
                      to get the mail
                      to get back inside
                      (where I hide)
called my place,
or your City
        I am right at home
taking in
the blind view.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...