Showing posts with label bioluminescence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bioluminescence. Show all posts

Friday, September 30, 2016

Sea pansy

As though it were a secret
not sacred-Life-as we know-
the hen and the egg,
brood and crew who hold,
the container or contained, which is
the moving mover, and divine bringer
trinity minus unity in duality
is our singularity, or DNA say
phosphorus or essence
expressed in bioluminescence
appears as blue because it is
alive on the surface,
It is obvious hope floats
after the sun has sunk in.

 Painting by By Franz Arthur Bischoff (American Eagle Fine Arts, Benicia, California) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Size Matters

How big is an idea?
People have said the internet was HUGE-
I haven’t seen it
with my own eyes, it could be all lies
like conspiracy and particle theories.

I know some HOPES are grander than others.
And I’ve carried some burdens bigger than a bus-
but I think that most people care less
about microscopic entities that they cannot see
or things that happen too slowly…

Have you ever stood
barefoot in the shoreline
Feet in the foam? If so, you know,
water always wins The Sands of Time.
Teamed together they make us pearls
of wisdom, bioluminescence,
a light within that begins
when one Believes
without sight
a tiny wish, a photon, a want to
that turns with light into a neutrino
that gets excited and becomes an electron
before any quarks form.

I think ideas matter,
stemming from a soft grey area...
And then there was light!
And then Atom,
and then we gain momentum,
molecule by molecule,
we are busy making molehills.

So blood is thicker than water,
and the homo sapiens denser than air-
I swear I saw a flying fear,
and my dear
Just like that GIANT ego, those
greenish, meanish miasmas
that all seem and smell the same.

So many slippery minuscule ideas,
evaporating into invisible shame,
hoping to erase your name
in the sand, 
eroding where you think 
you stand.

Image of Sea Wall at Bald Head Cliff, York, Maine 1901, [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...