Showing posts with label because. Show all posts
Showing posts with label because. Show all posts

Sunday, December 31, 2017

All ways equals Why

Because we discuss our collective fate along with current weather conditions,
because we attribute the excessive bloom of flowers to wild fires and trained bombs,
because we consider patterns relevant to us, Alone gathering anthropo-scenic views called 'experience'
because we started it all and made it bigger than we imagined we could
not manage to consume but tried with busyness, settling more acreage of earth piling up with paranoia than non-
biodegradable trash and we will ask about plastics as in permanence as if this was a Thing-
How did we get so scared of Being wrong, or Right or Just being?
Because we were starving but could not manage to eat another morsel of information,
GMO, TMI lined with BPA and other sterilizers, for safety.
We felt tired, too precautious and nauseous but forced to moved on.
Because none of us saved our energy for ourself,
because the reasons were not lining up, or justifiable by reason,
because these many motivations made centripetal mirages of us
we had nothing left
but the thinnest hope
to collapse into a wave function and recognize our own ripples.

Image By Henry Peach Robinson (British, 1830 - 1901) (1830 - 1901) – photographer (British) Details of artist on Google Art Project [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, June 8, 2017


Never start with

it was not good
until you found it, nevermind-
motives mean nothing.

I have seen you,
said the old Tribe
in lieu of hollow
Hellos or glum Good byes.

A meeting of the minds may be more than
mirroring-one thing.
(maybe we see the reflective colors
sum up the subject of the object.)

Distractions do divert 
-lightening the wait
of Attraction, less is no more 
than Was. 

Entropy, conceptually, 
reminds us of death.
Heaven forbid our mortal enemy leaves us 
Life lingers on plans, killing time, we forget
Desire by simplifying chaos.

Using zeros and ones
we reduce friction, concentrate on feedback,
Thus, by sharing our singularity as a hole and saying
We relate

origami, fractals, nets,
Symbols are all familiar 
And with so many ways to skin Schrödinger’s cat
how could we-

It is or was

Not a good place to start
with y and ex-plane-ing
flatly, footsteps in another di-

Photo credit By Agriculture And Stock Department, (1951) Publicity Branch [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Cause and effect

                                                  (I never meant to be the cause,
                                                    but I know
                                                          I too
                                                                   shall pass)
Because I am here now
because now never was
because I was a mistake
because my children were perfection
because knots can untie
because I have thumbs.
Because we are all smarter
because we learn from the past
because the past is a leash
because we can escape
because we try to avoid death
because hurting is feeling too much
because healing is a miracle enough.
Because nobody will ever know
Why we are here.

Image By not stated (FBI Photos image source) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. FBI Laboratory scientist. 

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...