Showing posts with label a line. Show all posts
Showing posts with label a line. Show all posts

Friday, August 21, 2015

The early bird on the horizon line

A line
           is thrown out...there
A line is
           connection of the dots
           summarized by stretching spheres
lined up
like ducks
cluck clucking
in a row
row your boat by
                            parallel plotter
                                                   navigating the stream
Tow the line
                    holding by a lifeline
                                                    hiking the EKG
        in line
wait for it
               carried down the line
               a vibration
               a sensation
                                 The Ripple-
a lure lingers on the line
                                  barbed edges await
                                                                 an inevitable lineal fate
a direction
                 to take
                 to make
out side the lines
                            a circle of infinity
keeps out
               traps in, depending on where you begin
a snap is shot,
                     tracing the trajectory
                                                     tightening the arrow
in array
A line
          a single point of origin
                                              genetically tangled
entwined in limpid lineage
by dates and fates
                             times arrow
                                               on a string
A line we follow to the T
A line we cannot see
A line we fall for
The line is cast
we are the worm.

Image by William Blake [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, from Jerusalem-Plate 78.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...