Showing posts with label Picasso. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Picasso. Show all posts

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Stroke by Genius

What changed you, are there some credits 
                                                 you should roll?
Was it James or Pablo that altered Steins view,
smartly, she said Henry, but we see reality by Picasso,
who chose distance to close in his view, 
                                                 making imagery true
deftly in paint and tone and on monotone, she drones on
in her oboe wind; Williams drinks down the Dionysus wine,
loose lipped, they slur together...same tune, 
                                                  sung the wrong song.

Was there a moment you became you?
Who was there claiming responsibility for all 
that you are, you are, yoar, no more non-sense,
blaspheme by contest, in jest, we protest and 
                                                 already we have infested 
too much to undo, not saying enough, playing tough
                                                  and rugged,
this is New, as good as-gold-as good as dead, and it was 
Where sparks once flew, the artist extinguishes with 
                                                    billows of blue, it will turn-.-

Image credit By Wide World Photos [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Creative Process by e.e. cummings 1 and 2 (plus 5)

Of my
Soul a street is:
Preternatural Pic-
abian tricktrickclickflidk-er
of starfish Picasso
thrombosis trees
my soul
repairs herself with
Prioress of Shari mind
and Matisse rhythms
to juggle Kandinsky gold-exchange-standard
away from the grind gifted
muscles of Cèzanne’s
           A streamer
There is
where stramineous  birds     purr

you give us Things
bulbous: grunting lungs pumped fulgurate of Shari They mind
you make us shriek
presents always
shut in the sump screech of
(out of the
bizarre unbolted
Something gushes vaguely a squeak of planes
between squeals of
Nothing grabbed with circuit breaker shrieking tiger-eye
solicitation screams whisper.)
Lumberman of the Distillation
your brain’s
axe only chops hued inherent
Trees of Ego, from
whose living and bifoliate
bodies lopped
of every
you hew form true time

The above two poems originally composed by e.e. cummings have been given the 5 up adjective treatment whereby each original adjective is replaced by the preceding 5th word in the dictionary. Normally this is a 7-up process but I like the number 5 better. 

Image of painting by Wassily Kandinsky, Yellow-red-blue, c. 1925 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...