Showing posts with label Pandora. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pandora. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Pandora and the Barfly

He buzzed by
Then circled back around and

Swirling and dashing

only more agitated,
making insect demands
before landing- quite hurriedly.

He begged for the 

Fair Maiden to
Open Up, prying and poking

She refused, stalling and countering-

'It depends upon how you carry me'-
she offered and dared.

Relentless in circles,
Fruitless nonetheless no movements
no lift nothing was felt.

She did not even know

All that was contained
Inside. Why
No smell crept out and still-

So many flies, diligent and
short-lived, by Nature.

Light seekers and crap keepers,
Yet none, not a single one, 

nor a swarm
would lift her 


Painting by Édouard Manet (1832-1883),  'Un bar aux Folies-Bergère' c. 1881 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Pandora's Jukebox

Unlimited Skips,
offered Pandora’s jukebox,
my father would cringe at the threat
to his precious vinyl.

Alas, the Narrative has changed.
All is story without plot, idle fancies
and frankly, too many flat Stanley’s.

The fear of the Singularity
exceeds all ego. We are working on it.
It was being built with zeros and ones,
We made it already, collectively, our
demise of reality. 

Speculate non-fictive for a moment, 
we could and did, rewrite beginnings and endings, 
bringing us to this very event horizon, 
which dips down in sheer data weight
and plunges into a black hole 
by basic filtering. 
Not a platter disc, or with grooves going down
into a white dwarf rabbits den, 

Then again-Just play with it Sam.
Electric hat tricks, inside sleeves, 
static sings and scratches ears, 
signaling deftness, 

a rough hand and some callous-
manipulation of ideas.
As though alternate forms for information
without any human connection should not short 
out, being illegible. This also computes null
as Equality. Yes and No.

As with All things being equal,
the volume grew, 
we all screamed, hollowing out
room and grew all consuming, 
devouring these data shells up-time

until all transfers
are made complete
in clouds.

How high Unlimited Skips registers 
and subscribes me to this ad-free
subtractive totality, 
breaking records in cycles. 

Painting by Halfdan Egedius, 1896 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...